~*+*Zoen*+*~My half Dragon ~*+*~
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Clothes:: Feel free to recolor the Texture or use it in another creation, as long as credit is given I don't care

(Hope you guys like the drawing over the ingame pictas worked hard on that X-D)
Since Zoen is Half emerald Dragon(half Drow) she has Emerald scales that rythmaticly incircle her body like a vine up a wall. I wasn't sure on how I would be able to align those to look right on a flat skin (alignment is such a pain!)so I toned it down a bit.
I still think that the skin turned out beautiful. Of course it's for all ages as well as both genders!! If any one feels that they want to edit ..my edit then feel free to do so. Just please leave proper credit and links

Zoen could be any of the personality types
How ever The money personality might be the most obvious
do to her being Half Dragon^_~
at least 5 points in to neat
She isn't that out going
She's Fairly nice and fairly playfull
And is not a lazy sim.
Since she is neutral a solid 5 points in to all stats is good too.
but meh ^_~ it doesn't matter!! as long as you have fun!
Well Zoen does have a story and here it is for those of you who would like to read it ^_^(I'm not really an exspert in writeing stories but I assume you guys will get the idea! )
Well for those that don't have a clue what Drow or an emerald dragon are here is a little bit that I have read ^_^
A little info on both Emerald Dragons and Drow
!! Drow elven societies are generally chaotic evil, and female dominated, the god that they worship is infact a goddess and takes on the form of a half drow half spider.
(If any one ever played D&D at 15 lv they(Drow) must undergo a test or be turned in to a subjugate of Lloth.. a Drider(half Drow half spider) Wich are purely Evil . Drow tend to live undergrownd in what is called "The underdark." An emince Underground city filled with all sorts of Wicked creatures...
Drow females tend to be Sorceresses and Drow males tend to be Wizards.
Drows also Tend to have Very light hair and very dark skin with red eyes.
The whole reason I chose to have a Drow male as the Father is simply because males are the weaker of the race and Since the emerald dragon is a bit of a coward
I thought that a male Drow and a female Emerald dragon would be more probible and befitting to the Drow race ( though it could have gone the other way around since Drow females
are very domineering and the Emerald Dragon would have been a perfect.. erm.. Victim? )
The Emerald Dragon tends to stay in the shadows rather than fight . IF their their treasure horde or their eggs are encroached apone they how ever will take action to protect what is their own..Even if
They go about it in a tactless maner.
In dragon society their rank is determined by how old they are and how big their treasure horde is. So i believe it is possible that a young dragon with a huge horde could have a status equivilent to that of an elder dragon. And an elder dragon could be demoted simply because he has a small horde of treasure.
Dragons keep a mental inventory of all the items with in their horde , and can use any magical item with in it at will (If I am remebering this correctly)The more evil Dragons tend to go and steal other Dragon's treasure horde as well . Since a dragon's horde is it's most prised possession and it is how they gain status umongst the ranks they brag about their horde and thus other evil dragons will venture out to obtain ill gotten gains.
Zoen's Story
Zoen was born between an emrald dragon and a Drow elf ( yeah yeah another half elven woman .. what can I say it's the pointy ears they are so cute X-D)
The father was the Drow and the mother is the Dragon. Her parents met while the father was hideing from some
group of villagers that caught sight of him during the night. With he him self being some what of a coward chose to flee instead of
battle his way though the angry mob, thus finding a seemingly empty cavern to conceal him self in..with rumors of dragons in these
parts not many villagers willingly stepped foot in to a cave..as to not tempt fate..but being a dark elf and living the majority of his life in
the under dark he thought nothing of it..
Deep with in, resided a grand Dragon, how ever she too was not in to the whole fighting thing..who would of thunk.. a pacafist dragon..
Any way as the days progressed , the new inhabatant of the cave be came quite at home. He much perferred to be alone.. or so he thought.
For the weeks that went on they had each used a specific entrance both entrances were on either side of the cave , so they never really "bumped in to each other.. and really what would a drow elf say to a dragon?
Then one fate full day a band of theives herd rumor that a dragon was seen flying over head.. and dragons hord treasure..They felt that they were ready for a fight and wanted mounds of loot. Only they chose the wrong entrance and well usually
the young Drow was never caught flat footed , but this time he was in the middle of a nice hot bath in a giant wooden tub he had finally gotten the water warm enough after many pain stakeing hours of setting up the the thing . Enraged he
jumped out shouting and yelling obsenites at the thiefs , who were caught so off gaurd they stood slack jawed . The naked elf grabbed a spear right out of one of the thiefs hands and kept screaming until they were gone.
With all that racket Leema found her self waching from the cavern ceiling. Not quite sure what to think of this (very well built attractive)guest she apparently had for many weeks.. so she did what any Emrald Dragon would do in her position. Observe from a distance.
Eventually She became bold enough to talk to this elf, who had not only discredited the rumors of a dragon living in the cave but also kept pest at bay. She had a lot more time to her self rather than chaseing out intruders.Wich she rarely did un less they annoyed her.
She appeared as a young woman at first, elven in race(for she was curious as to why their was a Drow elf living in her cave.) She never quite understood Drow society and refused to ever take on the appearance of the female Drow. She perfered th dark skin and eyes of the Forest elves.
After many days of talking and getting to know one another they became very close , and evenually Leema had a cluch of eggs, unfortuneatly the nest was disturbed by some thugs and after Leema dispached the intruders only one egg remaind... Zoen..
After a very long discusion Both parents decided to take care of Zoen until she was old enough to venture out in to the world on her own... and when that day came she found not many people were warm and welcomeing to one that looked like that of a demon and that is when the adventure took place takeing her in to a whole new realm of possibilites.
ok so that's all I got so far.
Zoen's over all apearance : Drow face , Dragon claws , tail, scales ,Elf ears, hornes and White hair .
I was thinking about a really dark green skin tone with red-violte eyes but my bf told me his idea on how she looked.
So I colored it his way and I ended up likeing it soooo much more than my original thought.
By the way their is a pants set that is included in the file you can view it here:: http://www.deviantart.com/deviation/51722638/
Custom Content by Me:
- Zoen's_Eyes-Recolor By Zesta02@MTS2
- @Zoen'sBrows@
- !!Zoen's_HL!! recolor:ByZesta02@MTS2
- Zoen's Skin-Retexture-by :Zesta02@MTS2
- !Zoen'sSwimSuit!! By: Zesta02@MTS2
Custom Content Included:
- Gown~Texture and Alpha edit by Zesta02 @MTS2 by 2 for you fashion for your sims2(MESH "LongAlphaSkirt")
- Keira's Lashes by Bruno @ MTS2 by Bruno@MTS2
- ZNo W hair line Recolor :By Zesta02@MTS2 by theSims Artist Union(Recolor of *Edit* Myos Female hair no.6 )
- ZNo W hair line Recolor :By Zesta02@MTS2 by theSims Artist Union(Recolor of *Edit* Myos Female hair no.6 )
- Zoens Black pants set by 2 for you fashion for your sims2(Mesh"AlphaPantsSandals)
Additional Credits:
Their is a pants set included you will need to go here --> http://www.deviantart.com/deviation/51722638/ to see it
and you will need the mesh titled "Mesh"AlphaPantsSandals
the link is : http://www.2-f0r-u.de/startsims2.htm
The creators of the Mesh is ( 2 for you fashion for your sims2 )
Sorry I ran out of room.. I will have an album up soon so yo may beable to see all the random pics of Zoen ^_^
Recolor by Zesta02@MTS2
Mesh from : theSims Artist Union
*Edit* Myos Female hair no.6
Eyes~Recolor :by Zesta02@MTS2
Recolor of Louis eyes from the "MidnightSkin"
Eye Brows ~
Angalina Jole's eye "brow" Simised by: Zesta02 @ MTS2Zi
Eye Liner~
Keira's Lashes by Bruno@MTS2
Gown~Texture and Alpha edit by Zesta02 @MTS2
2 for you fashion for your sims2
MESH "LongAlphaSkirt"
Jeans~Texture and alpha edit by Zesta02 @ MTS2
2 for you fashion for your sims2
Face mask: - White Recolor by Zesta02 @MTS2
(it was a pain in the butt to get it white and still look good)
But Kudos to Serasims for makeing it in the 1st place.
Zoen's Hornes~These are a recolor of marvine 's Ram Hornes
Zoen is a (Half drow /half Dragon)charicter that I created , and most of her atributes are acually Random. She is suppose to have a tail but I couldn't find a tail that looked the way that I imagned that it would look like so she doesn't have one.
Zoen has Dragon hornes, White Drow hair (I couldn't really find the hair that I wanted so I had to make due with the hair I found. Wich is some decent hair I think.) Zoen looks a tad bit Like
Angalina Jolie so she has a few of her attributes blended in to her skin from some pics that I found and some I used as a guidline. She's not an exact replica of Angie but they have pretty much the same eyebrows and lips..(texture of lips)
Zoen acually has more of a round face and looks rather young for being an adult.
I used Sera's (http://www.modthesims2.com/showthread.php?t=219009 ) Face mask of the hair line, how ever I made it white to go with the white hair recolor. (Their are 2 versions of the same hair one of wich has no hair line (So that it would blend with the face mask)and the other one has a hair line . The white hair line (facemask)is made over Zoen's face . I did use Sera's Sim as a guide since Zoen shares some of the atributes of Angie.
But their likeness is only in a few areas as far as facial structure and hair line so by no means is she a replica. .. and WOW Serasims did an outstanding job on Angelina Jolie . If you haven't seen it I sujest you do --> http://www.modthesims2.com/showthread.php?t=219009
I couldn't find certain mesh items so if any one could make them or knows of a link to them I'd be greatful (trust me I searched many hours for those items but to no avail

I haven't made any elven ear recolors for Zoen yet but Feel free to make some your self. Every since I've Gotten seasons one of the ear sets I have has been blinking blue off and on!!

The skin that I used to make Zoen with was Louis's Midnight skin and Her Grey skin . I seariously love those skins so I saw no purpose in retextureing a complete new skin when I already had some really great skins that Louise (Ren http://www.modthesims2.com/member/Ren)
already made. And on top of that doesn't minde people Recoloring or editing. Thanks a million!! Seriously That saved me alot of time!
Some help so you can find the mesh. I don't think that the dress is working right now though. Not to sure on that , you may have to check back for it .
Itmes can be found on page 12 when looking for the meshes for the clothing.

Filename | Type | Size |
Zoen_Halfdragon sim.rar | rar | |
33a838d8_!!Zoen's_hair!!.package | package | 142381 |
3b9379e9_!Z_W_Hair_No_HL!.package | package | 194029 |
4e89497e_50163261.package | package | 262675 |
4e89497e_67842b0c.package | package | 231032 |
5f382bfb_!Zoen'sJeans!.package | package | 236853 |
5f896ff1_!Zoen's_Gown!.package | package | 600804 |
5fd1955b_!Zoen's_Undies!.package | package | 69283 |
5fe74af4_!Zoen_Dress1!.package | package | 759749 |
740ad041_!!Zoen's_Horns!!.package | package | 76555 |
d9c37584_!!Zoen's_HL!!.package | package | 58475 |
Zoen Sim.Sims2Pack | sims2pack | 3152605 |
Zoen_Halfdragon sim.rar
Uploaded: 5th Apr 2007, 3.77 MB.
For a detailed look at individual files, see the Information tab. |
Install Instructions
1. Download: Click the download link to save the .rar or .zip file(s) to your computer.
2. Extract the zip, rar, or 7z file.
3. Install: Double-click on the .sims2pack file to install its contents to your game. The files will automatically be installed to the proper location(s).
- You may want to use the Sims2Pack Clean Installer instead of the game's installer, which will let you install sims and pets which may otherwise give errors about needing expansion packs. It also lets you choose what included content to install. Do NOT use Clean Installer to get around this error with lots and houses as that can cause your game to crash when attempting to use that lot. Get S2PCI here: Clean Installer Official Site.
- For a full, complete guide to downloading complete with pictures and more information, see: Game Help: Downloading for Fracking Idiots.
- Custom content not showing up in the game? See: Game Help: Getting Custom Content to Show Up.
- If you get an error that says "This content requires expansion pack data that is not installed", please use either Clean Installer to install this sim.
Meshes needed
This download requires one or more meshes to work properly. Please check the Description tab for information about the meshes needed, then download them below:MTS cannot guarantee any off-site links will be available |
2-f0r-u.de/startsims2.htm (non-MTS link) |
insimenator.net/showthread.php?p=128824#post128824 (non-MTS link) |
coris.byus.net/ (non-MTS link) |
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Updated: 28th Sep 2007 at 7:29 AM
Rasha-half-elven/half-mermaid sim
by WhiteArchangel 31st Mar 2006 at 6:02am
Stargazer - MPL and Zoen Skin Blend
by Tea Leaf updated 9th Oct 2011 at 9:54pm
Re- colors of Forward motions _ adult woman peacock dress
by Zesta02 23rd Apr 2006 at 4:14am
I don’t think I could really make one as beautiful as the original one since I’m still somewhat new at more...
+3 packs
Open for Business
Fantasy Eyes and a couple normal eyes ^_^ Enjoy
by Zesta02 31st May 2006 at 6:27am
:!: I was told that these should work with out any EPs, Thanks akatonbo for telling me ^_^ more...
2 recolors of tiggerypum's Toddler Swingtop Outfit
by Zesta02 29th Aug 2006 at 2:54am
I own Uni, NL and OFB , I ws told that custom meshes don't need the exspansions . more...
+3 packs
Open for Business