BlueIvy League Boarding School (The Ritz)

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Salutations, I am proud to present the Blue Ivy League Boarding School, simple yet tasteful. Constructed right in the heart of Strangetown, this Ritzy boarding school will add a little flair to your town and maybe some distance between the "haves" and the "have not's" if you're not careful.
Built with the children of wealthy families in mind, this boarding school will be perfect to get those needy children out of your hair so you can spend more time golfing, jet skiing, laying around the house, going on lavish vacations, or of course, going to that very important "business meeting" that you can never get out of. Without anymore delay, I give you, BlueIvy Boarding School.

Title: BlueIvy League Boarding School
Lot size: 5x5
Price: $198,130 (After Taxes)

BlueIvy is Partially furnished with only maxis objects so you can add your own flair. On the north west area of the school is the dining centre' fully furnished and ready to host students, faculty, and more. On the south east side of the premisis would be the classroom, school office, and the headmaster's quarters, also fully furnished.
Central BlueIvy offers individual sleeping quarters for the spoiled child. Your child may choose to share a room with a fellow student of the same gender or with the right endorsements may have a room to themself.
Here at BlueIvy your precious child is free to express themself in any way they see fit in the privacy of their own room, this includes decorating and furnishing, we only ask that your child does not destroy our four star wood floors and white walls. Uniforms are expected to be worn outside ones room while school is in session. We thank you for your coorperation, and hope your experience is a wealth... I mean, wonderful one!

Enjoy your after school free time in your very own mini-house! Each room comes complete with two beds, and a fully furnished bathroom. You are free to furnish and decorate your living quarters, the sky's the limit! (Or your parents creditcard limit..)

Have friends over and play until you pass out! We have no "lights out" rules, as long as your in your room by 9pm and can make it to breakfast and school on time and fully awake!

Our principals' office is right off the school room for easy access, parents or students are welcome to come in at any hour. Although after 9pm the principals or headmasters may be sleeping in their room right by the office.

Hungry? Our kitchen is open from 5am - 9pm if you're not in school, waltz on in for a snack or a gourmet meal, everything is yours for the choosing!

Our layout is simple but elegant, plenty of room to walk around, or take a break while you wait for your snack in the sitting area next to the kitchen, where you can sit and read a book or paint while smelling your favorite dish being prepared.

Please See More Pictures Below.

Additional information below.

Played & Tested: A few days, cloned, and unpacked, worked wonderfully!

Dorms (Individual rooms): 10 (Incl. 2 Beds Per Room)
Student Bathrooms: 10 (Incl. 1 Shower, 1 Toilet, 1 Sink and 1 Mirror. - One bathroom per dorm)
Faculty bedrooms: 1 (Fully Furnished.)
Faculity bathrooms: 1 (Incl. 1 Shower, 1 Toilet, 1 Sink and 1 Mirror.)
Kitchen: 1 (Incl. 1 Refrigerator, 1 Electric Stove, 1 Dishwasher, 1 Trash Compactor, 1 Microwave, 1 Food Processor, 1 Hot Chocolate Machine, 1 Juice Maker, 1 Espresso Machine, and 1 Telephone.)
Dining Rooms: 1 (Incl. 1 Table 2 chairs for headmaster and or principal. 2 Dining tables and 12 chairs for the students.)

This boarding school can be used for either kids or teens,
I choose to use children in the pictures to go for the "Cute Factor." :D

Also: This would make a great University Dorm Lot,
While on the lot Open your cheat console (Ctrl+Alt+C) and type in changeLotZoning dorm Then go into build mode and replace the White stained glass doors with "Dorm Doors" and your university lot will be ready to play on!

To Download the "Unfurnished" version of the BlueIvy League Boarding School
choose "BlueIvy League Boarding School UF.rar"

The unfirnished version is exactly like the furnished, only.. Minus the furniture. Unfurnished you may not need all expansion packs, but I haven't tested it so use at your own discretion. The use of this lot comes with no expressed or otherwise implied warranty, no responsibility will be assumed by the creator! :D

Unfurnished Lot Price: $94,270
Unfirnished has also been played and tested, for as long as my sims could stand it! And it worked wonderfully also!
(Minus temper-tantrums and extreme bordom resulting in me being "forced" to beautify their surroundings with LAVISH and Extravigant hodgepodge!)

Note: This lot requires all of the expansion packs.
Thanks to GunMod for his Radiance Light System which made my screenshots come to life!

Lot Size: 5x5
Lot Price: 198,130
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