Need a Trim? The only close-cropped curly hair you'll ever find.

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Maybe that's a fantastic claim. "The ONLY" one.
But maybe not.
Have you ever seen any?
If you want giant spikes from your favorite video game/manga, you find plenty of stuff to suit you. If you want long flowing faerie locks you've got, not quite as much, but still a fair amount of CC. There are even some shoulder length curls hanging about. If you want a bloody mop on your Sim's head, you've got hundred's of options. There are entire sites dedicated to building mops for male sims.

But what if you're guy happens to be hmmm, a normal person who cuts his hair? What then? It's a vast desert of Bishy manga weirdos and shiny straight puff balls of spikeyness.

HystericalParadoxysm seems to be the only one who actually believes in normal hair. She made this fantastic mesh. (Here) And I have yet to find even one cropped male hair that is half as good. People tend to make the skull malformed, or neglect to layer it properly, or link the texture badly.

I stop babbling now. Thank you a million, HP. I finally have the hair I've been questing for.

I've retextured and realphaed the lovely thing to make pretty cropped curls for all ages.
Or at least I think they're purdy... hopefully I'm not delusional. :/

Yes, cropped curls for all ages. Four basic colors. Plus an extra silver/white, specifically for HP because I remember her saying she has a thing for Drow... or whatever those purple dudes with white hair are called. A useful homage. Zee curls are binned, but not family-ized. It's my personal preference that the colors should have unique grays as well.
Red, Brown, Black and Blond are essentially Maxis-match in color. Brown is a little cooler than Maxis. Texturing is... more natural than Maxis I think.

That's really about all I have to say about that!
Here's to an excellent mesh and modder!

(Note: I'm a little protective of this texture. It took a long time to curl all the little pixel hairs. Please let me know if you feel you need to poke at it.
Crappy pixelized photoshop slider edits really, really bug me. Don't do it. Or don't tell me about it/post it. If you need a weird color--green for your well-groomed joker, bleach blond for you smarmy surfer or whatever--let me know, I will do recolors if you need it.)

K. I wrote that way to late at night to make my mind clear.
Here's the dealio:
As of right this second (19th of Feb) I intend to recolor this hair in maybe six colors of odder variety. What remains to be decided is what colors this will be.

Edit: Does have female version. Find it HERE.

Also see CatofEvilGenius' familized file on page four of comments. Muchas Gracias, Cat! I was loath to spend any more time on the grunt simpeing of this thing.

K, make recolors, by all means. Just tell me first. Tell me what you intend to do with it, and Promise on your first born simchild that you will not make crappy slider changes or "CSC". If you can't find five to seven shades that I used to shade the thing, tis clasified under "CSC"
You shall send me a pm that says "Hey! Alfred! I'm awesome and I want to do this rad thing with your texture. It will look like-- whatever! And I will give you candy!"
And I will say: "Huzzah! I see that you are putting more thought into this than a CSC and you are giving me candy! Here take these original textures so that you can get good results."

There. Clarification is good fun isn't it?

CC in the pictures:
Idolatry of the flesh skin by Hysterical Paradoxysm
"pungback" hair by sizz

And some other junk by me.

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