Testers Wanted: 9 Paintings- DeviantArtist #2- Noah

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Here are 8 paintings and 1 wallhanging of images created by a young Chinese artist Noah (aka- Kuang Hong) and used with his permission.
Oh...again, I'm sorry for the size of the files. I have almost gotten the compression thing figured out, but after some bug problems did not have the time to re-do all these. Maybe I will before I officially upload them to the download forum.

Let me know how these work for you.
The bigger paintings are recolours of the "Lady on Red", the horizontals are recolours of the orange-abstract and the wallhanging...well they ain't hard to find.(BTW-- for you purists, I use the wallhangings as a base object only because their size allows for the least amount of re-sizing of the original image.)

To find more about this artist and his works, please visit his website at http://www.zemotion.net/noah/index.html.

Color-Enabled Packages Required: In order for these recoloured objects to appear in your game you will need to download and install the Color-Enabled Packages (CEP). Please see this thread http://www.modthesims2.com/showthread.php?p=119480 to download the packages and for installation instructions.
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