testers wanted - Egg Chair, with extra colors EP ready..:: Update3 23/04-05 ::..

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hey all

this chair is my first Sims2 object. I have build it from scratch using XSI and converted it using Wes_h's exporter for milkshape.

it is not completly finished, I still need to make a some better UV-coordinats and make it recolourable. I also need to fix the shadow, it still uses the shadow from the Glassic chair .

poly-count: 2032 verts: 1181

This is the first object in a scandinavian collection i'm planning to do

I'm looking forward to getting some feedback.

update3 23/04-05: Sorry for the wait, I finally got around to update the chair for University. Put the new file in your download folder and remeber to take the old one out, it should work with the old recolours.

Update2, 7/02-05: finally I got the color options added! to get it download the new file, it also comes with extra colors, each of the 5 files in the color-package adds an extra color. If you would liketo add more colors please do so, and please share if they are any good :D. I do not want to find this object on any paysites, other than that, feel free to destribute it, just remember where you got it from.

last remark: you can't use the extra colors without the new chair

Update1, 7/02-05: the chair have been remodeled to add the thin pillow on the seat.
The UVs have been fixed to give a nice and smooth mapping. Because I still haven't figured out how to make it recolorable it still only comes in one color, but this time it is brown leather. If someone could tell me where to find some tutorials on how to make an object recolorable it would be highly Appreciated.

The new package will replace the old one, so for now you have to choose between the brown and the red chair, that is why I have left the old file availeble for download.

thats it for now
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