Adult career: the Initiative, based on "Buffy the vampire slayer"
Today I bring you another career based on the great series Buffy. Your Sims can now work for the Initiative, a military organistion, first introduced in Season 4. It catches vampires and other demons to protect the civilian population, but maybe your Sim might discover the secret plan, that stands behind the Initiative.

The complete career is available in German and English but as I'm not a native speaker of English, I don't know how good my job descriptions and chance cards are. All levels have chance cards.
Job descriptions and chance cards are inspired by the television series Buffy and fans may recognise some situations, but cards and descriptions are designed in such a way, that people who don't know the series can enjoy the career, to. As I retranslated it from German to English, some terms may not match with their equivalent in the series, so please don't be overly harsh. Or, if you like, post a comment with suggestions for corrections and I'll try to react as fast as possible.
Huge thanks to Emma_Barrett and Superfly for their great tutorials.
Please post questions and comments, I'll try to answer them as fast as possible.
Detailed job descriptions: (If you want to be surprised, don't read them

1. Recruit, Tue+Thu-Sa, 7am-1pm, $350
Shortcut hair and sweating bodies. Cleaning toilets is not really your dream job. Train your body to get out of this. It will not only make you stronger but also will make your uniform fit better.
2. Butchery contact man, Mo-Fr,4am-12am, $370, Requirements: 1 Charisma, 3 Body, 3 Cleaning, 1 Mechanics
You're very talented. You've been transferred to a special unit. But all you have to do there is canvassing butcheries and slaughterhouses to buy litres of pig's blood. You have no idea what your superiors do with it but you'll have to trust them when they tell you how important your job is.
3. Cell guard, Mo-Fr,7am-2pm, $410, Requirements: 2 Charisma, 4 Body, 3 Cleaning, 2 Mechanics, 2 Friends
Now you see what happens with all the blood. You can hardly believe it, but vampires actually exist. And countless other creatures. The Initiative protects the civil population of this hostile Sub Terrestrials (HST) and ensures that their existence stays secret. Popular knowledge could lead to mass hysteria, so ensure that no prisoners escape.
4. Field Agent, Mo-Fr,8pm-5am, $550, Requirements: 2 Charisma, 6 Body, 3 Cleaning, 3 Creativity, 4 Mechanics, 4 Friends
You're a field agent now what means that you have a cover identity, so ensure that you don't blab yourself. You have to be in top form to fight the creatures, you'll meet at night. And you should be prepared to surprises. Some of them are more dangerous than one could think at the first glance.
5. Team leader, Mo-Fr,7pm-5am, $790, Requirements: 4 Charisma, 7 Body, 3 Cleaning, 4 Creativity, 5 Mechanics, 6 Friends
You now lead a team of field agents. You get orders and missions of the researchers to neutralize threats or catch new study objects. Stay attentive. Some of the catched HST talk steadily of the slayer, maybe you should watch out for her. She may be a threat or an ally. At least the HST fear her.
6. Contact man to the slayer, Mo-Fr,7pm-5am, $820, Requirements: 5 Charisma, 8 Body, 3 Cleaning, 1 Logic, 1 Cooking, 5 Creativity, 5 Mechanics, 7 Friends
Actually you made contact with the slayer, rather accidently while attacking the same HST hideout. Surprisingly the slayer is a young girl, barely twenty years old and kind of petite. Nevertheless she overcame you with a few handgrips. She seems to see it her destiny to fight the "forces of evil", as she calls the HST. In every case a cooperation with her might be of advantage for the Initiative.
7. HST-Researcher, Mo-Fr,11am-7pm, $1230, Requirements: 6 Charisma, 8 Cleaning, 4 Logic, 3 Cooking, 6 Creativity, 7 Mechanics, 6 Friends
You've shown a remarkable understanding for Sub terrestrials and you've chosen to examine their biological peculiarities more closely. You no longer fight these creatures, caught by field agents. If you learn something new, the director of the Initiative might confide you and you learn what the thing with project 314 is.
8. Insider to project 314, Mo-Sa,1pm-10pm, $1560, Requirements: 6 Charisma, 8 Cleaning, 5 Logic, 6 Cooking, 8 Creativity, 8 Mechanics, 7 Friends
The director confided you into a very interesting project. Together you work on combining the best characteristics of Sub terrestrials, men and machines to create a better being. The evolution was always to slow for your liking.
9. Director of the Initiative, Mo-Sa,2pm-11pm, $1890, Requirements: 9 Charisma, 9 Cleaning, 5 Logic, 7 Cooking, 9 Creativity, 9 Mechanics, 7 Friends
You're now in charge of the Initiative. Most time you concentrate on project 314 or Adam, as you call him. It's only a matter of time, until he's ready. But there is a problem. The slayer is way too interested in your work and could endanger the whole project. You should think about steps to get rid of her.
10. Frankenstein's heir, Mo-So,10am-8pm, $1890, Requirements: 10 Charisma, 10 Cleaning, 10 Logic, 10 Cooking, 10 Creativity, 10 Mechanics, 1 Friend
You made it. Adam is alive and even calls you Mommy. Though the first thing he has done was killing you, he reanimated you shortly after and now you're glad to serve him. You only have to familiarize to the tubes in your head and have kind of problems, remembering anything else, than Adams orders.
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Updated: 21st Mar 2018 at 6:26 PM - corrected some typos in the description
#buffy, #vampire, #initiative, #demon, #mad scientist
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