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Vanilla Villa - Party Residential, £97,532
by Jane_ex 3rd Mar 2008 at 9:20pm
Hellolo! more...
+1 packsNightlife
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Vanilla Villa - Party Residential, £97,532
by Jane_ex 3rd Mar 2008 at 9:20pm
Hellolo! more...
+1 packsNightlife
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Jane's ++Profile
Hello, guys!
I'm Jane, I'm 27 (Old) from Dublin, have a three year law degree, which I don't plan on using, although I practiced a while last year. I'm taking a travel/relaxing time off heavy work and enjoying simple voluntary/little bar jobs around. My hobbys are sketching, Graphic Design, Fashion/Fashion Design, Cooking, anything to do with Computers, Film Making, Writing, Reading etc. I enjoy making stuff for the Sims Two game as well.
I generally make Pets (Hogwarts Founders Pets have been uploaded, although my Pets CD is lost ), Houses (Vanilla Villa, more to come) and people (none yet uploaded). People can do anything with them for personal use, if they alter them and upload them somewhere else, give me a quick PM but if you Credit, I will be more than delighted. Passing my work as your own, of course, is not acceptable.
I'm Jane, I'm 27 (Old) from Dublin, have a three year law degree, which I don't plan on using, although I practiced a while last year. I'm taking a travel/relaxing time off heavy work and enjoying simple voluntary/little bar jobs around. My hobbys are sketching, Graphic Design, Fashion/Fashion Design, Cooking, anything to do with Computers, Film Making, Writing, Reading etc. I enjoy making stuff for the Sims Two game as well.
I generally make Pets (Hogwarts Founders Pets have been uploaded, although my Pets CD is lost ), Houses (Vanilla Villa, more to come) and people (none yet uploaded). People can do anything with them for personal use, if they alter them and upload them somewhere else, give me a quick PM but if you Credit, I will be more than delighted. Passing my work as your own, of course, is not acceptable.