Elizabeth Swann from Pirates of the Caribbean
by Janey B. 13th Sep 2007 at 2:21pm
Elizabeth Swann from Pirates of the Caribbean trilogy is here! more...
12 41.3k 8
Jack Sparrow from Pirates of the Caribbean
by Janey B. 14th Oct 2006 at 12:32pm
Johnny Depp as a captain Jack Sparrow from Pirates of the Caribbean. more...
35 111.4k 61
Lara Croft from Tomb Raider: Legend
by Janey B. 15th Apr 2006 at 2:07pm
Lara Croft by me, Janey (sims-show.wz.cz) Hair mesh: www.rosesims2.net Belt and belt mesh: www.rosesims2.net Top mesh: more...
34 71.9k 22
Lara Croft from Tomb Raider: Legend
by Janey B. 15th Apr 2006 at 2:07pm
Lara Croft by me, Janey (sims-show.wz.cz) Hair mesh: www.rosesims2.net Belt and belt mesh: www.rosesims2.net Top mesh: more...
34 71.9k 22