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Pets 2
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About Me
At first I didn't like PETS at all... But one day I decided to try that "breeding" everybody was talking about. And the kitty was so cute (yeah I prefer Cats!) and when these cute little things grew up I was amazed how they turned out and after showing them on the BBS on the official Sims 2 page people were asking me to put them up for downloading...
And here I am - and I made a decision to spend my summer nights breeding my Pets for you!
I also love building houses and I am planing on uploading them too, so you will see more of me and my 'skills' (even though some creators on here are simply amazing!!)
And here I am - and I made a decision to spend my summer nights breeding my Pets for you!
I also love building houses and I am planing on uploading them too, so you will see more of me and my 'skills' (even though some creators on here are simply amazing!!)