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Jobe Luxury Apartments V2 for Apartment Life
by Elfykins 12th Nov 2008 at 12:00am
:new: Jobe Luxury Apartments V2 By Elfykins (Revised for AL) :new: Heya more...
+11 packsUniversityGlamour LifeNightlifeOpen for BusinessPetsSeasonsKitchen & BathBon VoyageFree TimeIkea HomeApartment Life
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About mine an My Policies
I like designing unique buildings, small, an large. My favourites thus far wouldst hast unto be designing small cottages with traditional gardens.
I beseech that none of mine contente be claimed as thine own, doth notte place these on ye Exchange an claim it as yours, DO NOT place on Paysites, I loathe them.
Feel free unto use mine grounds in stories/movies thee make, but doth notte modify them an thence claim it twas thine own design.
I beseech that none of mine contente be claimed as thine own, doth notte place these on ye Exchange an claim it as yours, DO NOT place on Paysites, I loathe them.
Feel free unto use mine grounds in stories/movies thee make, but doth notte modify them an thence claim it twas thine own design.