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Terms of Use and Policy
I work really hard on all my content, and I appreciate that this work be respected. Here is how you can make sure that my hard work, offered for free I might add, is appreciated. It's not very difficult:
- Please do not upload my work to any other website, pay or free.
- Do not, under any circumstances, claim my work as your own. It's too easy to tell who did what and when; to pretend otherwise is plain stupid.
- You may discuss, share, or link to my work, as long as you make sure to give credit. If possible or appropriate, feel free to also add a link to my Sims website, NOTE: THIS HAS CHANGED, APOLOGIES FOR NOT SAYING SO SOONER, the new URL is:
- Unless otherwise stated, please do not modify my work unless it is for your personal use, in your own game.
If you are unsure about any of the above, please PM me here or contact me via the above-mentioned website.
See? Easy! Give credit, don't upload elsewhere. I retain all rights to my own work. Anything else can be evaluated on a case-by-case basis. I expect to share my work on MediaFire, JDCSims, The Exchange, or here (of course). I also have a photo album on Picasaweb. If you see my work elsewhere, or pics of my stuff anywhere but Picasaweb or JDCSims, please let me know ASAP.
Thank you
Coming soon:
- Please do not upload my work to any other website, pay or free.
- Do not, under any circumstances, claim my work as your own. It's too easy to tell who did what and when; to pretend otherwise is plain stupid.
- You may discuss, share, or link to my work, as long as you make sure to give credit. If possible or appropriate, feel free to also add a link to my Sims website,
- Unless otherwise stated, please do not modify my work unless it is for your personal use, in your own game.
If you are unsure about any of the above, please PM me here or contact me via the above-mentioned website.
See? Easy! Give credit, don't upload elsewhere. I retain all rights to my own work. Anything else can be evaluated on a case-by-case basis. I expect to share my work on MediaFire, JDCSims, The Exchange, or here (of course). I also have a photo album on Picasaweb. If you see my work elsewhere, or pics of my stuff anywhere but Picasaweb or JDCSims, please let me know ASAP.
Thank you
Coming soon: