Final Fantasy VIII: Seifer Almasy
by aisquared 19th Oct 2020 at 7:23pm
Seifer is another orphan, just like the other five characters, who also is a SeeD candidate. more...
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Final Fantasy VIII: Sorceress Edea
by aisquared 10th Oct 2020 at 6:57pm
Edea, one of the game's main antagonists, is a sorceress, known to possess strong magic. more...
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Final Fantasy VIII: Irvine Kinneas
by aisquared 29th Apr 2020 at 8:14am
Irvine is a gun expert who later on joins Squall's team on a mission. more...
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Final Fantasy VIII: Selphie Tilmitt
by aisquared 28th Apr 2020 at 6:48pm
Selphie is another character in FFVIII who, like the other four, was an orphan, and becomes a cadet for SeeD: more...
5.7k 4 -
Final Fantasy VIII: Zell Dincht
by aisquared 26th Apr 2020 at 6:10pm
Zell, just like the other four main characters in FFVIII, is an orphan who becomes enlisted in SeeD: an organization more...
2 2.6k 1 -
Final Fantasy VIII: Squall Leonhart and Rinoa Heartilly
by aisquared 16th Apr 2020 at 7:42am
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Final Fantasy VIII: Quistis Trepe
by aisquared 20th May 2017 at 9:32pm
Quistis Trepe is one of the playable characters of Final Fantasy VIII, and my personal favorite among them. more...
6 25.4k 45