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A pixel dollie/Covered in makeup and stuff/For you to play with
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Do whatever you want with my stuff. You can include it with sims, edit the items, whatever.
Credit is appreciated, though. :]
Feel free to make a request, but I can't guarantee anything. Your best bet is to request something that is at least similar to anything I've made previously in some aspect, because I'll only make it if it's something I would like to have myself. I don't know how to mesh, and I'm not very good at celebrity sims.
About the TF2 characters: the next one was originally planned to be the Spy, but his mask is proving to be much more difficult than expected. The uploads are going to be coming slower until more tools come out for modding.
Do whatever you want with my stuff. You can include it with sims, edit the items, whatever.
Credit is appreciated, though. :]
Feel free to make a request, but I can't guarantee anything. Your best bet is to request something that is at least similar to anything I've made previously in some aspect, because I'll only make it if it's something I would like to have myself. I don't know how to mesh, and I'm not very good at celebrity sims.
About the TF2 characters: the next one was originally planned to be the Spy, but his mask is proving to be much more difficult than expected. The uploads are going to be coming slower until more tools come out for modding.