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Stuff to stick on sims/Makeup and clothes and suchlike/Tart 'em up a bit.
Clothing 1Makeup 2
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Just logged in on a whim after 2 years absence and my message box was overflowing with requests regarding clarification of my usage policy. To put it short-and-sweet: Do whatever you want to do with my files, whether you want to upload them in a lot, modify them, or whatever your heart desires. I only have 2 restrictions that I place upon end-users:
1. Never, never, never post any creation of mine (or derivitive thereof) on a PAY site. These are FREE to everyone!
2. Try to make a link back to the object page or otherwise make mention that you've used/included my object(s) (give me a little credit - all authors deserve at least a mention).
P.S. If you ever have a problem downloading any of my creations, you can find the .zip/.rar file at Just add the file name to that URL. ie: will work.
1. Never, never, never post any creation of mine (or derivitive thereof) on a PAY site. These are FREE to everyone!
2. Try to make a link back to the object page or otherwise make mention that you've used/included my object(s) (give me a little credit - all authors deserve at least a mention).
P.S. If you ever have a problem downloading any of my creations, you can find the .zip/.rar file at Just add the file name to that URL. ie: will work.