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Sayde's Simple Section
Stuff to stick on sims/Makeup and clothes and suchlike/Tart 'em up a bit.
Clothing 1Hair 10Eyes 1
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Color, for all - Eyeset of 9 Colors.
by SaydeSim 28th Jun 2009 at 12:22am
This is my first eyeset, hope it's worth it. THere are 3 Natural colors, and 6 not so natural colors. more...
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I rarely play sims anymore. I have some hair recolors and some eyes, but I don't know if I'll find the time to upload them.
If you use any of my stuff in your uploads, make sure you credit me.
If you have a request for my Coontail set for recolors, I'll gladly make a set once I get 4 or 5 new suggestions.
I pronounce things funny. (Lab-bor-rab-tory)(Veh-da-men[Vitamin])
I love My Chemical Romance.
I love playing the Sims 2.
I wear nothing but black, but I love the rainbow. (I wear more than just black, just making a point)
I'm 15 years old, and a dude :D
If you haven't already, please re-download my SceneBoy hair recolor. the .rar file was messed up and I had to re-attach it. If you've downloaded it after 9:00 AM (GMT) 3/9/09, your good, no need to redownload.
If you use any of my stuff in your uploads, make sure you credit me.
If you have a request for my Coontail set for recolors, I'll gladly make a set once I get 4 or 5 new suggestions.
I pronounce things funny. (Lab-bor-rab-tory)(Veh-da-men[Vitamin])
I love My Chemical Romance.
I love playing the Sims 2.
I wear nothing but black, but I love the rainbow. (I wear more than just black, just making a point)
I'm 15 years old, and a dude :D
If you haven't already, please re-download my SceneBoy hair recolor. the .rar file was messed up and I had to re-attach it. If you've downloaded it after 9:00 AM (GMT) 3/9/09, your good, no need to redownload.