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Stuff to stick on sims/Makeup and clothes and suchlike/Tart 'em up a bit.
Clothing 2Hair 3
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***Sorry... I don't take requests (I am very slow at meshing...)***
Uploading terms:
Upload to free sites only.
Do not upload to the Exchange.
With my meshes:
You may include with Lots with credits.
You may include with recolours with credits.
You may recolour making your own textures
You may not re-use my textures for unrelated projects.
*Please ask for permission first if you want to convert my meshes into TS3 and upload to MTS only.
General terms:
@@œYou do not need to ask permission to recolour my objects or bodyshop contents.
@@œPlease give me credit and give me link to your upload page when using my work so that everyone else and I can enjoy also.
@@œFeel free to use my work in screenshots for your stories (no need to give credit)@@@
Uploading terms:
Upload to free sites only.
Do not upload to the Exchange.
With my meshes:
You may include with Lots with credits.
You may include with recolours with credits.
You may recolour making your own textures
You may not re-use my textures for unrelated projects.
*Please ask for permission first if you want to convert my meshes into TS3 and upload to MTS only.
General terms:
@@œYou do not need to ask permission to recolour my objects or bodyshop contents.
@@œPlease give me credit and give me link to your upload page when using my work so that everyone else and I can enjoy also.
@@œFeel free to use my work in screenshots for your stories (no need to give credit)@@@