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Stuff to stick on sims/Makeup and clothes and suchlike/Tart 'em up a bit.
Clothing 33Eyes 3Makeup 1
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Policy and Information
Hi guys! My policy... well, use all you want for your sims, upload them with clothes or eyes by me, on whatever free-site you choose, just give credits!
For recolor, the majority of my clothes cannot be recolored because they are takeng from high quality images, and simply a recolor would spoil most of the shadows, details, etc. So, I would not recommend recoloring! For the few files that are actually recolorable, well, just ask me, and I'll do my best for doing the job for you! ;)
If you need info/help/suggestions, I am here! I love helping people and writing PMs, so, don't hesitate! PM me, in case you need!
For recolor, the majority of my clothes cannot be recolored because they are takeng from high quality images, and simply a recolor would spoil most of the shadows, details, etc. So, I would not recommend recoloring! For the few files that are actually recolorable, well, just ask me, and I'll do my best for doing the job for you! ;)
If you need info/help/suggestions, I am here! I love helping people and writing PMs, so, don't hesitate! PM me, in case you need!