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Stuff to stick on sims/Makeup and clothes and suchlike/Tart 'em up a bit.
Clothing 2
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Hey everyone :) been a while since I've logged on last. Been really sick the last few years, hoping to get better more & more every day.
Been playing Sims for about 15 years now? Still a fan. I much prefer Sims 2 for challenges, neighborhood building and general chaos creation (the original meaning of CC).
To anyone who is interested in creating custom content, I highly recommend it. I have almost zero computer knowledge and somehow managed to pull off half decent downloads - it's just time consuming.
I'm open to requests, however due to my chronic illness i will not be able to do a lot (if any!), but feel free to send me a private message with your request.
Hey everyone :) been a while since I've logged on last. Been really sick the last few years, hoping to get better more & more every day.
Been playing Sims for about 15 years now? Still a fan. I much prefer Sims 2 for challenges, neighborhood building and general chaos creation (the original meaning of CC).
To anyone who is interested in creating custom content, I highly recommend it. I have almost zero computer knowledge and somehow managed to pull off half decent downloads - it's just time consuming.
I'm open to requests, however due to my chronic illness i will not be able to do a lot (if any!), but feel free to send me a private message with your request.