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Furnishings and decoration for your Sims' homes.
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Dream Catcher Bedroom/Nursery Set
by OUCloud 12th Jun 2007 at 8:13am
Dream Catcher Set includes Bedding for Large bed Crib bedding Changing Table Highchair Potty Curtains A Chair Toy box Additional more...
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Sim Clouds and I've been creating recolors for Sims, since before time - Sims 1 and then sims 2 & 3
I'm Sim Clouds, Hoping to return to recoloring :) and learning to build stuff for #3 :) and for sims 4 !! I am growing my collection in Sims 4, H Has Now Base, Get to Work, Cottage Living (?-unsure of its correct name), and Seasons. I hope to continue adding more to Sims 4. I want to learn how to take Sims 1 bedding and turn it into Sims 3 and 4. I love what I did for Sims 1 (Still has all those games as well. Just been a wild few months. I'm very tired but our Internet keeps going down for hours on end, all day and half the night as well. So Trying to get downloads for Sims 4 now.Bare with me. Anyone from the early years of Sims 1 and now up to 4 that has been with MODSims? Since its beginning? Drop a line or two.