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auren82's Simple Stuff
Furnishings and decoration for your Sims' homes.
By Room 3
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About Me
Hi Simmers!
Welcome to my profile! As you can see I'm only a beginner in this wacky field, but I'm learning.
I'm happy to take requests just please be patient. I haven't advanced to meshing yet, but if there is a recolor you want I'll jump on it as soon as I can.
You know the rules, no posting elsewhere without the creators permission and no posting to the Exchange or to paysites ever!
Happy Simming!
Welcome to my profile! As you can see I'm only a beginner in this wacky field, but I'm learning.
I'm happy to take requests just please be patient. I haven't advanced to meshing yet, but if there is a recolor you want I'll jump on it as soon as I can.
You know the rules, no posting elsewhere without the creators permission and no posting to the Exchange or to paysites ever!
Happy Simming!