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Stuff to change your game/Make your sims do some backflips/Or something like that
Script & Core Mods 6
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Mixed Feelings About Pregnancy
by lizcandor updated 22nd Mar 2021 at 12:19am
Not every person will have the same feelings about a pregnancy - so not every sim has to either! more...
42 83.5k 245
Automatic Potty Training Skill If Older Than Toddler
by lizcandor 30th Jun 2020 at 1:48pm
Add-on to Biggest Little Mod for Toddlers automatically gives potty training skill to children and up. more...
7 19.4k 40
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I don't take requests in general, but if I'm open to suggestions on features to add to a particular mod I'll specify that in that mod's details!