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Stuff to change your game/Make your sims do some backflips/Or something like that
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Shaddap Already - No Annoying Sting Sounds for Pets thru Into the Future
by JT` updated 28th Oct 2014 at 1:43am
Disables musical cues ("stings") in Pets, Showtime, Supernatural, and/or Seasons that occur during various minor events. more...
No Joining Careers At Rabbitholes
by JT` updated 11th Jan 2013 at 9:53am
Ever thought to yourself, "Gosh, it's way too easy to get a job in The Sims"? Yeah, me too. more...
30 44.5k 36
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My Restrictions, and Other Points of Interest
* All of my plugins/mods are considered free, open source, with copyright reserved. If you have any improvements you'd like to make, don't hesitate to do so. I would appreciate a PM or a notice letting me know what you changed so I can go ahead and roll in the improvements in my own version, but it's not an obligation. Do make sure you credit me in some way, at least.
* No pay sites. People really need to stop trying to bilk people out of money for something they don't control the rights to.
* Nothing I have so far can be uploaded on the Exchange, but just in case: don't upload on the Exchange. ;-)
* I accept tuning requests for my own mods, or for tuning and simple scripting mods that are at least tangentially related. I do not take general requests.
* I accept requests for writing funny blurbs for your items -- the same style of blurbs that you see in The Sims 3 buy mode catalog.
* Yes, I do own all of those Sims games and expansions. Of course, now that EA has restricted so much of its stuff to Origin, it has limited what I can obtain legitimately since I refuse to use Origin (due to draconian DRM and EA's anti-competitive practices).
* Yes, I'm a hardcore gamer. Where most people's money goes to booze, cigarettes, sex, and drugs, mine goes to something that is slightly more moral (but also slightly more addictive).
* Yes, that is my car. It's a 2010 Hyundai Genesis Coupe, the lower-middle-class sporty coupe that everyone should own.
* No pay sites. People really need to stop trying to bilk people out of money for something they don't control the rights to.
* Nothing I have so far can be uploaded on the Exchange, but just in case: don't upload on the Exchange. ;-)
* I accept tuning requests for my own mods, or for tuning and simple scripting mods that are at least tangentially related. I do not take general requests.
* I accept requests for writing funny blurbs for your items -- the same style of blurbs that you see in The Sims 3 buy mode catalog.
* Yes, I do own all of those Sims games and expansions. Of course, now that EA has restricted so much of its stuff to Origin, it has limited what I can obtain legitimately since I refuse to use Origin (due to draconian DRM and EA's anti-competitive practices).
* Yes, I'm a hardcore gamer. Where most people's money goes to booze, cigarettes, sex, and drugs, mine goes to something that is slightly more moral (but also slightly more addictive).
* Yes, that is my car. It's a 2010 Hyundai Genesis Coupe, the lower-middle-class sporty coupe that everyone should own.