Reaction Changes for Miner - 10 Flavors
by Mlle-Kohaku 28th Apr 2013 at 4:09am
Do you get annoyed with how your simmies react to the miner? Well look no further. more...
+1 packs
by Mlle-Kohaku 28th Mar 2013 at 2:59am
Reduces the radius of negative reaction to the gem cutting machine so the entire lot doesn't throw a fit when it's in use. more...
+1 packs
Simlogical Heirloom Cake - Fix
by Mlle-Kohaku 6th Oct 2012 at 6:20am
Allows any sim or pet to be aged up early. more...
9 29.8k 53
Simlogical Bed Wetting Mod Update/Fix
by Mlle-Kohaku updated 15th Dec 2012 at 7:53pm
Update of Inge's mod allowing some children and some teens to wet the bed. more...
28 60.7k 48
Simlogical Institution Mod Updates/Fixes
by Mlle-Kohaku updated 13th May 2012 at 4:08am
Ever wanted to have a playable school or prison? Perhaps you've had issues with Inge's institution mods and are looking for support? more...
50 65.1k 94
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