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SynapticSim's Superhero Tailor Shop
Cats and dogs and birds/Also, womrats count as pets/Huh, womrat, what's that?
Animals 1
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by SynapticSim 24th Oct 2006 at 1:56pm
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by SynapticSim 24th Oct 2006 at 1:56pm
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by SynapticSim 24th Oct 2006 at 1:56pm
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by SynapticSim 24th Oct 2006 at 1:56pm
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SynapticSim's Policy
If you include/use my meshes with your uploads, please add a link to my site SynapticSim's Lair:
Should you use a mesh such as the Lean Bodybuilder that was created based off of Marvine/BeosBoxBoy's work then credit should be listed in this order, Marvine/BeosBoxBoy/SynapticSim
Please do not use my textures for non-sim related projects. If you do use my textures to create something new, please credit me with a link to my site.
I also love to see what people do with my stuff so if you can't contact me by PM on my site then you can send an email to, just be sure to note that it is sims related in the subject ... I'm paranoid about emails from people I don't know, lol.
Please do not upload anything I make to the Sims Exchange.
This policy goes into effect immediately. No parts of my (SynapticSim’s) creations can be used to create Custom Content for The Sims 3 or The Sims 4. This includes the templates that I have released as well as any of my other creations dating all the way back to The Sims 2 Exchange up until my most recent creations and any future creations. I don’t even know if it’s possible to use Sims 2 custom textures with Sims 3 or 4 custom content, but if it is, please DO NOT use any part of my creations for public use and/or downloading. This includes costumes, skintones, hair, eyes, makeup, face masks, meshes, accessories, objects, mods, hacks, and anything else made by me for use with or in The Sims 2. Please respect my wishes where this subject is concerned. Should I discover my content being used in ANY part on The Sims 3 or Sims 4 creations uploaded to another site for people to download, the admin of that site will be contacted and asked for the content to be removed. Should you also be a member of SynapticSim’s Lair, then you will be permanently IP banned without warning.
Should you use a mesh such as the Lean Bodybuilder that was created based off of Marvine/BeosBoxBoy's work then credit should be listed in this order, Marvine/BeosBoxBoy/SynapticSim
Please do not use my textures for non-sim related projects. If you do use my textures to create something new, please credit me with a link to my site.
I also love to see what people do with my stuff so if you can't contact me by PM on my site then you can send an email to, just be sure to note that it is sims related in the subject ... I'm paranoid about emails from people I don't know, lol.
Please do not upload anything I make to the Sims Exchange.
This policy goes into effect immediately. No parts of my (SynapticSim’s) creations can be used to create Custom Content for The Sims 3 or The Sims 4. This includes the templates that I have released as well as any of my other creations dating all the way back to The Sims 2 Exchange up until my most recent creations and any future creations. I don’t even know if it’s possible to use Sims 2 custom textures with Sims 3 or 4 custom content, but if it is, please DO NOT use any part of my creations for public use and/or downloading. This includes costumes, skintones, hair, eyes, makeup, face masks, meshes, accessories, objects, mods, hacks, and anything else made by me for use with or in The Sims 2. Please respect my wishes where this subject is concerned. Should I discover my content being used in ANY part on The Sims 3 or Sims 4 creations uploaded to another site for people to download, the admin of that site will be contacted and asked for the content to be removed. Should you also be a member of SynapticSim’s Lair, then you will be permanently IP banned without warning.