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Crocobaura's Stuff
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Foods 7
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by crocobaura 2nd Sep 2007 at 10:37pm
Hi everyone. Tonight I bring you a strawberry mousse cake, special late summer delight for the sims. more...
33 110.7k 158 -
by crocobaura 10th Jun 2007 at 1:12am
Hi everyone. Tonight I bring you a fresh and very yummy watermelon. Hope you and your sims will like it. more...
89 169.7k 209 -
by crocobaura 1st Apr 2007 at 1:07am
Hi everyone! Tonight I bring you a new food, this time is seafood specialty, namely Octopus! more...
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Use freely as long as you give credit. Please ask for permission if you want to use my meshes on pay or donation sites or other commercial activities.
If you want to convert any of my Sims2 objects to be used in Sims3, please feel free to do it yourself. Thank you!
If you want to convert any of my Sims2 objects to be used in Sims3, please feel free to do it yourself. Thank you!