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Two Valllila's animal wallpaper
by tämä 7th Apr 2015 at 2:07am
Vallila's Mäyris and Piilossa desing wallpapers for your sims wiht EA's molding more...
5.4k 15
Recolor of Numenor's Wall Window: Blank wall with craks
by tämä 29th Mar 2010 at 6:15pm
Windows that look likes blank walls with gaps more...
6 30.5k 30
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After you have downloaded a file by me, it's totally your's: reupload it with your lots, recolor it and recycle any way you wish. I would be happy, if you give some creddits and/or send me a link to your creation if you reupload my files or recolors of them. That's not necessary thought.
I only hope you will like a bit my creations:) Have fun!
However you MAY NOT upload any content by me at TSR or EA Exchange. Those are evil places and you have thousands of other options to share your content.
-tämä alias Hilbert
I only hope you will like a bit my creations:) Have fun!
However you MAY NOT upload any content by me at TSR or EA Exchange. Those are evil places and you have thousands of other options to share your content.
-tämä alias Hilbert