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by XanKriegor 11th Sep 2008 at 12:33am
Hey Everybody Here is an M249 SAW This is a drecrative object and can be found under sculptures. more...
23 44.3k 32
by XanKriegor 17th Apr 2008 at 10:52pm
Hey y'all Here is a Mk2 Frag Grenade Its a decorative object, and can be found more...
16 22.9k 17
by XanKriegor 12th Apr 2008 at 5:28pm
Hey Here is my Barrett M107 - 50. cal Sniper Rifle. This is my first ever mesh. more...
14 47.2k 27
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About Me
Hey Peopel.
I know i have been gone for a while. im still active on the site. but i have a lot of projects going on, so it's hard to find time for modding.
When ever i finish somthing, ill make sure to upload it here. so keep checkin back once in a while.
If you have somthing to tell me, or somthing to ask, just PM me.
** I will not awnser all Messages and Comments, But i DO read them all **
- XanKriegor
I know i have been gone for a while. im still active on the site. but i have a lot of projects going on, so it's hard to find time for modding.
When ever i finish somthing, ill make sure to upload it here. so keep checkin back once in a while.
If you have somthing to tell me, or somthing to ask, just PM me.
** I will not awnser all Messages and Comments, But i DO read them all **
- XanKriegor