Still kicking, but moving on

Date Posted: 19th Dec 2022 at 7:14 PM

Hello all,
I have been on and off over the last few years but I am still designing, building, and expanding my knowledge of making mods for The Sims 4.

Python is a slow language to use because it takes a lot of memory to run simple commands anymore (especially with games this old).
I have been working on new stuff however. Unfortunately I have discussed my next actions with my friends and supporters. As of December 31, 2022 I will no longer be uploading to MTS. I will be starting my own site to compile and hold my work.
I will leave my current work here on MTS, but it might not get updated again if there is a change in the way Sims 4 reads the mods going forward. Once I have setup my new site, updates will be linked to the site going forward.

Its been a great journey here, and I've learned a lot. However due to real life and the fact that uploads take weeks to get approved (sometimes months in the case of some uploads), I can't support that wait any longer. For those of you that only use MTS, I'm sorry.
The Sims Modding Communities are so fractured, that we are setup across so many other sites, communities, and servers that its impossible to keep up with the vast world of Mods that are out there.

If the situation changes before/after The Sims 5 (announced, but no ETA), then maybe we will all be on the same page again.

Until then, take care and Happy Modding!
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Ministry of Propaganda Falling into place....again

Date Posted: 27th Jan 2019 at 6:36 PM

The recent events in the United States have allowed my sarcastic mind to finalize the text and levels for the Ministry of Propaganda. Career to come soon following the proposed levels of the Sims 3 career that was never born, and will have two extra tracks that I am working to finalize!
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Wonderful World of Modding......

Date Posted: 1st Dec 2012 at 12:41 AM

CTU Crashes everytime and I cannot extract the CASP files I need to use the Outfitter to code a new package for my careers....

Guess the defaults from EA will have to do until further experience in coding is acquired.
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Ministry of Propaganda text falling into place

Date Posted: 22nd Nov 2012 at 6:03 AM

Well, the next step has come to fruition. After a long night of work at my FD, the levels for the Propaganda Career have come together. I hope they are fitting enough for a realistic, yet humorous look at this career that I am writing. Sit looking for suggestions from any that wish to comment.
They are as follows so far (all are subject to change at my whim):
1 Neighborhood Speculator
2 Local Gossip Accumulator
3 Street Witness
4 Local Allegation Specialist
5 Citation Report Creator
6 Ministry Placard Engineer
7 Regime Vilifications
8 Directing Bureau Administrator
9 Minister of Deceptions
10 Minister of Indoctrination

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Starting this to document the begining

Date Posted: 21st Nov 2012 at 8:27 AM

Starting to get some fresh ideas for new careers. I am working on two new ones now that I have gotten the hang of the writing and coding.
  • One is a "Medical Examiner." I think this one will be a realistic based one as I key it and write it.
  • The other is "Minister of Propaganda." That one will be more funny, slightly realistic, but based more on the Authoritarian style of SimCity Societies.

Feedback, comments, concerns, suggestions? Any and all are welcome so long as they fit the MTS Guidelines and Rules. Hope to hear from the community and I will do what I can to make them fit and work!
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