News! New mod are coming!
Date Posted: 2nd Oct 2014 at 5:50 PM
Now I have developed the 60% of Vampire Tweaker V5. The problem starts now, I want to bring the suggestions of the downloaders to the reality and some of them can be really difficult to develop. But I need to see what I can do. Also, I started a long time ago a model for Werewolves, with the same philosophy than Vampire Tweaker. I don't know when I can release the both versions, but I can promise it won't have conflicts and Vampire Tweaker will be awesome. If the MOD will have conflicts, I agree to make a compatible version. Now the package is about 13 MB and I think it will be increased to 15 MB. More heavier packages, more fun things!.
Also I have some bad news. The things I promise in the older posts in this journal, some of them, can't be possible to bring it to reality, basically for strange code things by EA. Als, for the same reason, Werewolf Tweaked won't have the realism I want to bring for it. So, i will publish a really basic version with great things but don't really improvements, because I want to you to test it to play and add more things in updates.
Vampire Tweaker (for some people will be good, for other bad) probably will be a core model with will replace Sims3GameplaySystems. Dll I need to do that to make the vampires more fast in running, so it will be a awesome improvement!
This weekend I will probably code a lot and test a bit the both mods. I can't say a specific date.
Comments are welcome!
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New info about V5!
Date Posted: 26th Aug 2014 at 9:53 PM
As i say in older post, V5 will be the best version of the mod. Im trying to do this possible. Trust me, are ibxredible things!
Finally, the children have thirst. Still need testing as i said below, but the hunger will disappear completely.
New objects and makeup are coming. Also others things. Are surprise!
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Awesome things coming!
Date Posted: 25th Aug 2014 at 10:39 PM
Good new guys!
Finally, i can make a lityle framework to get the child sims thirsty. Yes, now the child sims has thirst and hunger. Still needs test, because i dont try at all in the game. Basically, you can do the same things like EA childs but now has the thirst motive. For satisfy it, they will need to go to hospital.
But at all, it still need testing and little improvements. Also, thanks to chain reaction and icarus allsorts, im trying to fix the bug of the red eyes. Yes, probably in the new version you will have the original color of your vampires!.
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V5 is coming!
Date Posted: 23rd Aug 2014 at 10:29 AM
V5 is now in the 20% finished according to my plans. But i dont know if i need to release a minor update with some fixes in the motives. The minor fix can be released tomorrow. Also can include some translations.
For V5 i have some surprises for the people. I want to make more easy the install of the mod, by adding more interactions to control the mod in City Hall. If you dont see these interactions in the City Hall yet, check that in V4, can you disable or enable some items. For the new version I will add these interactions to control everything, effects, makeups, actions....
Also I finished a surprise thing that only are known for one user. If he is reading this, he probably think is he.
I am also preparing espectacular interactions for teens, and childrens, skills, benefits and more realism effects. And the most important!. FIX EVERYTHING. When I started this mld I was a entire noob. But now I have more knowledge and I can assume all bugs like motives or others. Are only silly equivocations of coding. Especially the errors are in the aging or motives, because are conflicts or the game doesnt apply the changes. A lot of users also reports me a no motive decay. No exactly a bug. I put lower decay values in some motives. For this, some poeple tjink is a error and not a known thing. But i repeat, i will release a patch with normal decay.
Also i am preparing more interactions, effects and occulted things. Believe in me, the newer version is very different. I will take a lot of careful and attention in release it like I want.
Do not scream if you see the package 1 or 2 MB more heavier, the things inside will be awesome!.
Post a comment if you have a question!
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Preview to Vampire Tweaker V5
Date Posted: 21st Aug 2014 at 2:47 PM
Hey guys!
After 1 month of works finishing all things of the V4 to make it awesome, I have a plan for the next version. I have some little things started but not finished and not sure of working.
In the next update, my priority will be the requests of the users. So, in V4 the Get blood interaction is from Armilus (Thanks! ).
The feature i am anxious to be working is the realistic thirst decay. I have a plan to make the vampures more bloodrinkers. Explain below:
When you drink from a sim, your vampire will sense a unknown needs fir more blood. I. E= When you drink blood, your vampire will want more blood for drink. The anxious for drink blood stops when you sleep in a altar o go to hospital to control your wild. Also I want to add more methods to disable the anxious, but i need to think in it.
Interactions for children to make them more wild and dangerous, moodlets, more interactions for the hospital and a lot of more is coming!
I think you can't wait for the next version! It probably will be released early, but i can't say when.
Thank you guys to be the better followers!
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Retard in the Vampire Tweaker V4 Release
Date Posted: 12th Aug 2014 at 10:12 AM
Sorry, bad news. Ultimately I was fixing the problem of the interactions. I solved a bit part of the problem, because now the interactions appears in some situations that in V3 doesn't appears. But still problems in some games. So, more bad news. This week I can mod anything. This make me impossible to improve anything in the mod. But the weekend i will make modding ![Smilie](// .
Good news too. I also start to develop a bit of code to make the vampires on fire when they receive the sun moodlet. But now isn't working very good, needs some revisions. New feature to the newer version than V4.
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Vampire Tweaker V4
Date Posted: 1st Aug 2014 at 9:12 PM
News about the new version of Vampire Tweaked. It will be called V4 and now is ready for testing. I can't develop any ideas exposed in the last post, because I think is more important the fixes of this version than the new things. But don't worry, also have new things!
The version is finished now, only need testing. For this, now I know the final change log of this version.
- Ultimate fix for the uninstall method. In older versions (except v2 legacy) you need to uninstall the mod with three commands. Now, in v4 only is necessary with one command. When you run it, the game do the uninstall and the uninstall of the mod is more safe than older versions and easy (the same feature us added in v2, but it was a disaster). Also, if you have problems, I add a new command with help in the uninstall process. You only need to run the command and some windoss will explain you how to uninstall
- Fix for the interactions problems (some people can't see the interaction, this version fix that)
- Higher decay values for motives
- Lowest bad mood value for some EA buffs and custom buffs (buffs added by the mod)
- New buff when appear blood face, red eyes and bite mark
- Script optimization
- Animation for the target Sim in the resurrect interaction.
This is the list with the features for the new version. I will release it this week or more early. You can see this update have a lot of good things!
The next version if v4 probably include the ideas I post in the last post. Also, I have said secret idea. A surprise for my downloaders!
PS: At the same time to the release of the v4, I will post a translation toolkit, for people who want to translate the mod.
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New revision for v3 in vampire tweaker
Date Posted: 20th Jul 2014 at 9:14 PM
The new revision of my favourite creation now has a lot of improvements with new things. There aren't fixes because the v3 has all bugs fixes and there aren't any bugs in the v3. Only a decay problem, now solved in my development version. With the summer holidays, I can't do much things with the mod. But I had a lot of new ideas!. But I'm going to start with the finished things.
The finished things:
- Higher decay values, like the people request me.
- Buffs when appear the red eyes, bite mark or blood.
- Animations for the target sim in the resurrect interaction.
The list of the ideas for the new version. Some ideas can probably appear more later, in a newer version that I'm developing.
- Variety of New moodlets. If your vampire drink for a supernatural sim, Sim that likes fast food or other insane food, Vegetarian Sims, carnivorous Sims or equilibrated Sims, you will receive a variety of New moodlets. For know how is the sim, the script will take attention of the favourite food of the target sim (the sim you want to drink) and will assign a moodlet according to the favourite food.
- Fire effect for burning vampires.
- New textures for blood makeup ( an user and I think th blood makeup is a little... Strange and ugly?
- Change the adding method of the interactions with a better method. Some users have problems with the appearance of the interactions. In the next update it will be my priority.
Also, I'm having more ideas for newer versions. Also thank you very much for the suggestions of the people . Also I have some ideas (from me and other people that publish me his suggestions in the mod threads) more but I don't publish they because now are incomplete or I don't know how to code it.
Do you like this news?
New suggestions for newer versions are welcome!. Post a comments in the mod's thread with your suggestions.
Thanks to everybody that like my mod and enjoy it!. I want to make this mod awesome for you!
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Vampire Tweaker V3
Date Posted: 20th May 2014 at 8:29 PM
Still have not finished completed version 2 of my Vampire Tweaker mod and I'm already thinking about the Version 3, which I have already developed 50%! Everything indicates that there will be little time between them!
I will be updating to incorporate new scripts, buffs and two new interactions, "Resurrecting" the sims and "Resurrect" the Tomb. These interactions will be resurrected to sim and become vampires so they may live eternally.
Interesting isn't it? What do you think?
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Vampire Tweaker Update!
Date Posted: 26th Apr 2014 at 10:47 PM
Now I'm updating the bite mark effect, to fix the bug, and adding new interactions to the mod
I hope you enjoy it!
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