New projects... or something like that
Date Posted: 13th Aug 2010 at 5:25 PM
Right, journal it was! Well, this is what I'm doing at the moment:
After a break from Silent Hill, I'm trying to get into the "zone" again - by watching different "Let's play"'s on YouTube. Lol. (I would play it myself but I haven't got it, plus it scares the shit outta me... but at the same time it's sooo good, love the story and all.

AND there are some really funny Silent Hill "Let's play"'s out there.)
So, I tried to upload the Wood Side Apartments from Silent hill 2 about 6 months ago, but it got rejected so I immediately gave up for some reason (laziness? probably.) Don't know what place I'm talking about? It's where - among other things - Laura steps on James' hand when reaching for a key, and of course, where you first encounter Pyramid Head.

Anyways, I thought I'd try again, just gonna change/add/create some things for it then it will - hopefully - be ready to go!
I also started to "envision" some kind of apartment... so I began to draw the floor plan of it (um, yeah I usually do that before I build...)
I think it will be finished soon, and probably uploaded as well (I mean, why not?)
So yeah, two apartments coming up!
[For those of you who are missing the Wallsims mesh to Hazel Street subway - Silent Hill 3, I'm still looking for a solution on that. Since the page ( is completely down, I tried the Graveyard ( but it doesn't have Wallsims there.
I'll see what I can do...]