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#26 Old 4th May 2012 at 11:48 PM
That is deadication to the casue Beware peasentes (evil luagh)

"I know, and it breaks my heart to do it, but we must remain vigilant. If you cannot tell me another way, do not brand me a tyrant!" - knight commander Meredith (dragon age 2)

My sims stories: Witch queen
Nocturnal Dawn
Fat Obstreperous Jerk
#27 Old 4th May 2012 at 11:59 PM Last edited by J. M. Pescado : 5th May 2012 at 12:10 AM.
Quote: Originally posted by Levera
Now, that may be true in the depictions of movies, but what about real life vampires?
"Real life" vampires are nothing special. You probably know a few: Odd living habits, nocturnal activity cycle, dislike of daylight, obsessive-compulsive tendencies, etc. This was basically enough to make superstitious peasants decide you had other unsavory behaviors, like drinking blood (which you may or may not actually do). For instance, folklore holds that vampires were obsessed with counting. You can see this particular pattern in none other than Count von Count. Today, we consider this less a sign of vampirism and more a sign of OCD. Basically, everything people thought was a vampire can be summarized in two categories: Mental and physical abnormalities and the behavior of a decomposing corpse. When a dude turns slightly reddish after death, that's not vampirism, that's just his blood pooling in the extremities and congealing.

In fact, most of what is presently believed about vampires was basically made up starting around the end of the 19th century. Prior to that point, vampires were just ugly, horrible, and weird, and not at all cool or sexy. Most of what people believe NOW is made up even more recently. Dracula, for instance, was not harmed by sunlight, it was just kind of annoying. The entire "sunlight harms vampires" thing was an aglommeration of totally unrelated things. "Vampires" and "werewolves" aren't even distinct critters, just a lumping of things that go bump in the night. See "vrykolakas".

In short, peasants are superstitious and believe weird shit about people who aren't normal, as well as people who are dead.

Quote: Originally posted by Levera
Didn't she whip them. She would bite so hard on their neck, and ripped away their flesh. She wasn't the nicest woman alive. She tortured when she was sick. She would even go out in the cold, to get a victim that managed to escape
And yet she managed to lose out in name recognition to Marquis de Sade.

Grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change, the courage to change the things I cannot accept, and the wisdom to hide the bodies of those I had to kill because they pissed me off.
Top Secret Researcher
Original Poster
#28 Old 5th May 2012 at 12:24 AM Last edited by Levera : 5th May 2012 at 12:53 AM.
I was watching this show called "Deadly Women" and of the ladies that profiling. She even said:

"Elizabeth Bathory will go down as the worse serial killer of all time"

She did more inhumane things that can not be even described. In fact.

There was a girl (her victim) that escaped, Erzsebet ran after her, and put her in a small cage. So small to stand and to slender to sit. They hoisted the cage on a rope. The girl was headed towards spikes, and the guy hoisting her, ended up tweaking the cage to were the girl was impaled and

killed. Some of the people she tortured she would torture for days, and days on end. She didn't stop.

She even had sex with her victims, if they found it not pleasuring enough, she tortured them and killed them. If they did, she still killed them. This woman wasn't right in the mind. And she was female. A female! No one would ever expect that someone with a Royal title. She killed not only in Hungary but in Romania as well. She was insane, completely.

And she would write in her diary, every little detail of how she killed them. That was retrieved. And in that little diary over 650 people's names was written, showing that there could have been more.

Honestly if I were to be in a dark alley, and I saw Erzsebet or Marquis, I would be running from Erzsebet. Because that woman wouldn't stop, until she was in the tub beneath my bleeding corpse. She didn't stop once, not until she was caught. And then she died in her tower. That was her imprisonment. She was locked away in her tower, to die. And she did, four and half years later.

And she was only tried for 80 of those deaths, and after they convicted her, thats when they found out there was a lot more. A lot a lot more.

"Queen of the Damned seeks knight in shining piercings for pleasure, pain and purring"--Scary Mary from the Urbz: Sims In The City

"A Famous Explorer once said: 'The extraordinary is in what we do, not who we are.'"--Lara Croft from Tomb Raider 2013
Top Secret Researcher
#29 Old 5th May 2012 at 9:22 AM
Very Cool woman altghough she was a mas murder!

"I know, and it breaks my heart to do it, but we must remain vigilant. If you cannot tell me another way, do not brand me a tyrant!" - knight commander Meredith (dragon age 2)

My sims stories: Witch queen
Nocturnal Dawn
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#30 Old 6th May 2012 at 4:43 AM

Yeahhhh. Still cool or not, she isn't a woman I would want to mess with

"Queen of the Damned seeks knight in shining piercings for pleasure, pain and purring"--Scary Mary from the Urbz: Sims In The City

"A Famous Explorer once said: 'The extraordinary is in what we do, not who we are.'"--Lara Croft from Tomb Raider 2013
Top Secret Researcher
#31 Old 6th May 2012 at 8:49 AM
I have to Agree with you adout you do not want to miss with her.

"I know, and it breaks my heart to do it, but we must remain vigilant. If you cannot tell me another way, do not brand me a tyrant!" - knight commander Meredith (dragon age 2)

My sims stories: Witch queen
Nocturnal Dawn
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#32 Old 8th May 2012 at 10:20 PM
I don't know who would want to mess with her. I mean heck, I would be scared to just go and see the castle she died in. Could you imagine, if you are sensitive to paranormal, such as ghosts. I am due to my heightened sixth sense. Anyway, could you imagine hearing the screams? Hearing the tortured howls of her victims? That would freaking scare me, or seeing her spirit...I am getting chills thinking about it.

"Queen of the Damned seeks knight in shining piercings for pleasure, pain and purring"--Scary Mary from the Urbz: Sims In The City

"A Famous Explorer once said: 'The extraordinary is in what we do, not who we are.'"--Lara Croft from Tomb Raider 2013
Top Secret Researcher
#33 Old 9th May 2012 at 2:06 PM
I would like to see it and if I see her spirit I would capture it and realise at my school so it would casue trouble.

"I know, and it breaks my heart to do it, but we must remain vigilant. If you cannot tell me another way, do not brand me a tyrant!" - knight commander Meredith (dragon age 2)

My sims stories: Witch queen
Nocturnal Dawn
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#34 Old 9th May 2012 at 6:22 PM
How in the world would you capture her spirit?

"Queen of the Damned seeks knight in shining piercings for pleasure, pain and purring"--Scary Mary from the Urbz: Sims In The City

"A Famous Explorer once said: 'The extraordinary is in what we do, not who we are.'"--Lara Croft from Tomb Raider 2013
Top Secret Researcher
#35 Old 10th May 2012 at 12:07 AM
Eiether in a jam jar or use that umbrella ghost capture thing from ghost hunter. A tv show adout ghosts who or tring to avoid or free those captured by the ghost the hunter with the help of two kids. It was on the tv when I was young and I cannot remeber much it but it was a good show to watch.

"I know, and it breaks my heart to do it, but we must remain vigilant. If you cannot tell me another way, do not brand me a tyrant!" - knight commander Meredith (dragon age 2)

My sims stories: Witch queen
Nocturnal Dawn
Top Secret Researcher
Original Poster
#36 Old 10th May 2012 at 7:12 AM
The only way I can see anyone trapping her spirit is if someone was a Ghost Buster and had that machine where they kept ghosts. I am not sure a Jam Jar would work, due to the fact, she would get out o.O

"Queen of the Damned seeks knight in shining piercings for pleasure, pain and purring"--Scary Mary from the Urbz: Sims In The City

"A Famous Explorer once said: 'The extraordinary is in what we do, not who we are.'"--Lara Croft from Tomb Raider 2013
Top Secret Researcher
#37 Old 10th May 2012 at 9:53 AM
It would be fun trying to put her in a jam jar though.

"I know, and it breaks my heart to do it, but we must remain vigilant. If you cannot tell me another way, do not brand me a tyrant!" - knight commander Meredith (dragon age 2)

My sims stories: Witch queen
Nocturnal Dawn
Top Secret Researcher
Original Poster
#38 Old 10th May 2012 at 5:11 PM
Yeahhhhhhhhhhhhhhh. Artimis, I wish you the best. I wouldn't want to be there, when you try *shakes head then coughs*

"Queen of the Damned seeks knight in shining piercings for pleasure, pain and purring"--Scary Mary from the Urbz: Sims In The City

"A Famous Explorer once said: 'The extraordinary is in what we do, not who we are.'"--Lara Croft from Tomb Raider 2013
Mad Poster
#39 Old 10th May 2012 at 9:37 PM
Wait, what did Sade do that makes people know him more than her? I never thought much of him, I just heard he went to jail cause of a book and wasn't much different than his fellow people. She is worse easily..

I'm a graduate of the Harvard business school. I travel quite extensively. I lived through the Black Plague and had a pretty good time during that. I've seen the EXORCIST ABOUT A HUNDRED AND SIXTY-SEVEN TIMES, AND IT KEEPS GETTING FUNNIER EVERY SINGLE TIME I SEE IT.
Top Secret Researcher
#40 Old 11th May 2012 at 12:38 AM
That she is.

"I know, and it breaks my heart to do it, but we must remain vigilant. If you cannot tell me another way, do not brand me a tyrant!" - knight commander Meredith (dragon age 2)

My sims stories: Witch queen
Nocturnal Dawn
Top Secret Researcher
#41 Old 11th May 2012 at 12:40 AM
Quote: Originally posted by Levera
Yeahhhhhhhhhhhhhhh. Artimis, I wish you the best. I wouldn't want to be there, when you try *shakes head then coughs*

If I try that but knowing me I would run away.

"I know, and it breaks my heart to do it, but we must remain vigilant. If you cannot tell me another way, do not brand me a tyrant!" - knight commander Meredith (dragon age 2)

My sims stories: Witch queen
Nocturnal Dawn
Top Secret Researcher
Original Poster
#42 Old 11th May 2012 at 6:47 PM
I wouldn't want to get up close and personal. Spirit or flesh, No thank you.

"Queen of the Damned seeks knight in shining piercings for pleasure, pain and purring"--Scary Mary from the Urbz: Sims In The City

"A Famous Explorer once said: 'The extraordinary is in what we do, not who we are.'"--Lara Croft from Tomb Raider 2013
Top Secret Researcher
#43 Old 14th May 2012 at 9:45 AM
I can see your point there.

"I know, and it breaks my heart to do it, but we must remain vigilant. If you cannot tell me another way, do not brand me a tyrant!" - knight commander Meredith (dragon age 2)

My sims stories: Witch queen
Nocturnal Dawn
Top Secret Researcher
Original Poster
#44 Old 14th May 2012 at 4:39 PM
Mhm, just not a place I would want to be.

"Queen of the Damned seeks knight in shining piercings for pleasure, pain and purring"--Scary Mary from the Urbz: Sims In The City

"A Famous Explorer once said: 'The extraordinary is in what we do, not who we are.'"--Lara Croft from Tomb Raider 2013
Top Secret Researcher
#45 Old 15th May 2012 at 12:28 PM
Me too but if it was on the TV it would pocess it.

"I know, and it breaks my heart to do it, but we must remain vigilant. If you cannot tell me another way, do not brand me a tyrant!" - knight commander Meredith (dragon age 2)

My sims stories: Witch queen
Nocturnal Dawn
Top Secret Researcher
Original Poster
#46 Old 15th May 2012 at 7:29 PM
She was on TV actually. She was on this show called: "Deadly Women" and they talked about Erzsebet Bathory o.O

"Queen of the Damned seeks knight in shining piercings for pleasure, pain and purring"--Scary Mary from the Urbz: Sims In The City

"A Famous Explorer once said: 'The extraordinary is in what we do, not who we are.'"--Lara Croft from Tomb Raider 2013
Top Secret Researcher
#47 Old 16th May 2012 at 9:45 AM
That sounds like an awesome tv show.

"I know, and it breaks my heart to do it, but we must remain vigilant. If you cannot tell me another way, do not brand me a tyrant!" - knight commander Meredith (dragon age 2)

My sims stories: Witch queen
Nocturnal Dawn
Top Secret Researcher
Original Poster
#48 Old 16th May 2012 at 8:34 PM
Its just about women that kill. And for some reason there are more deaths from "Arsenic" than anything.

"Queen of the Damned seeks knight in shining piercings for pleasure, pain and purring"--Scary Mary from the Urbz: Sims In The City

"A Famous Explorer once said: 'The extraordinary is in what we do, not who we are.'"--Lara Croft from Tomb Raider 2013
Top Secret Researcher
#49 Old 17th May 2012 at 12:17 PM
Arsenic is probably cheap and cheerful to kill people.

"I know, and it breaks my heart to do it, but we must remain vigilant. If you cannot tell me another way, do not brand me a tyrant!" - knight commander Meredith (dragon age 2)

My sims stories: Witch queen
Nocturnal Dawn
Top Secret Researcher
Original Poster
#50 Old 23rd May 2012 at 10:55 PM
Well back in the day, you could buy it over the counter. But when all the "homicides" began to happen, then that idea of selling it, wasn't such a good idea anymore. So, they stopped selling it all together. You can no longer buy Arsenic. Which is probably a good thing.

"Queen of the Damned seeks knight in shining piercings for pleasure, pain and purring"--Scary Mary from the Urbz: Sims In The City

"A Famous Explorer once said: 'The extraordinary is in what we do, not who we are.'"--Lara Croft from Tomb Raider 2013
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