Join Date: 25th Sep 2008 · Total Posts: 5 (0.00 posts per day)
Last Activity: 18th Dec 2015 6:16 PM ·
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22Rhys is a member of the following groups:
Not new Disney - the old cartoon Disney we grew up with and loved!
For all the gleeks out there, and any fans of the show glee.
A group of united simmers who wants to create a new neighbourhood
Do your sims have an urge to sing? Fancy creating your own musical Sims? Or just interested in musicals? Either way, come along and have a chat!
Do you believe in magic?like magical creatures & places?enjoy fantasy stories and legends?if you like them,than this group is for you
A place for the fans of fear, to descibe and dissect their individual crave for the creepy.
Fans of Lady GaGa Unite!
Do you love autumn? Do you really love HALLOWEEN? Then you should JOIN!
Love making patterns? Don't know how to make patterns? Want to learn how to make patterns? You've come to the right place! ZOMG! Patterns! is the perfect place for those of us who are experienced patterners as well as those just starting out in the world of TS3 Pattern making.
A group for any fan of the TV show :)
A group for MALE Simmers to hang out in to discuss guy stuff
For anyone that likes vampires, plays with vampires [Simmys or not ; )], or just plain loves VAMPYS!