
Join Date: 6th Jun 2009 · Total Posts: 186 (0.03 posts per day)

Just call me Katie:)

Last Activity: 27th Jun 2010 1:44 PM ·

Games owned: The Sims 2: Sims 2 University Nightlife Open for Business Pets Apartment Life

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kit__kat123 is a member of the following groups:

There is no group for us nice little British simmers? Well, now there is!
For anyone who has read the Harry Potter series or seen the movies and fallen in love.
For everyone who loves chocolate!
A place for us teenage MTS users to hang and talk.
Yeah we're divas, but we ride like big boys do.
A group for writers of all sorts
The Not so Secret Society for Bella Goth and all to do with Bella.
This group is for any expert and beginner lot builders out there!
A group for all Nintendo fans of any series. :) Nintendorks welcomes people with all the friendliness of an over-affectionate squid with many cheerfully grasping tentacles!
For anyone that likes vampires, plays with vampires [Simmys or not ; )], or just plain loves VAMPYS!