
Downloads: 15,402
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Last Activity: 2nd Aug 2019 12:50 AM
Join Date: 14th Jan 2005
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One of my first trys at making a non-original sim!

3rd Jun 2005 at 4:59am in » Anime, Comic & Gaming Characters

Sims 2

melkoshi has 2 downloads in the following areas of our download section:

79.5k Sims 2

Edward Elric - FullMetal Alchemist

3rd Jun 2005 at 4:59am


melkoshi is not a member of any public groups

Currect Project(s): FMA movie, based on Greenday's America Idiot album. titled "forbidden alchemy"

Sims in the works: Scar, Hakuro, Envy, along with a fan made Humonculis, Trickery.

Places: Centerl, Elric's home, Winry's, aswell as Ishbal.

Home Page: click here · Location: Florida, USA, Earth.

Games owned: The Sims 2: Sims 2 University Nightlife