
Downloads: 11,478
Thanks: 181

Last Activity: 24th Feb 2013 7:51 PM
Join Date: 28th Jun 2006
Total Posts: 2 (0.00 posts per day)

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As stated above, I have 5 types of foxes: Arctic (winter and spring), Desert, Red, & Red-tailed.

23rd Oct 2006 at 12:10am in » Animals

Sims 2 Pets

Heisaa has 2 downloads in the following areas of our download section:

28.2k Sims 2 Pets

Miniature Pinschers (Min Pins)

15th Nov 2006 at 7:33pm

14.8k Sims 2 Pets

Foxes: Arctic (winter and spring),...

23rd Oct 2006 at 12:10am


Heisaa is not a member of any public groups

Location: Lancaster, CA Interests: Manga/anime, PC games, and PS2 games Occupation: Student

Games owned: The Sims 2: Sims 2 University Nightlife Open for Business Pets