^v^ Tanis ^v^

Downloads: 6,939
Thanks: 288

Last Activity: 3rd Jul 2017 6:23 AM
Join Date: 5th Aug 2006
Total Posts: 6 (0.00 posts per day)

Top Download

Ok so here's the MA-39 Cerberus dog from Resident Evil.

30th Nov 2006 at 4:17am in » Animals

Sims 2 Pets

Personal Picks

^v^ Tanis ^v^ has 2 downloads in the following areas of our download section:

12.3k Sims 3 Pets

MA-39 Cerberus (The Resident Evil...

9th Mar 2015 at 9:35pm

43.6k Sims 2 Pets

MA-39 Cerberus (The Resident Evil...

30th Nov 2006 at 4:17am


^v^ Tanis ^v^ is not a member of any public groups

....::First God created man,
then he got a better idea....
God then created woman!::....

Biography: I'm 41, have two wonderful children Location: NJ Interests: Drawing, reading, Sims 3 Occupation: Mommy

Games owned: The Sims 3: Sims 3 World Adventures Ambitions Late Night Pets Supernatural Into the Future + 1 SPs