About Me:
I'm really addicted to The Sims series... My first Maxis game was SimAnt, back in the good old days of MS-DOS, then I've bought The Sims 1 and 2, with all expansions and stuff packs.
Since I've got The Sims 2, I've always wanted to give an history to the simlish world. My dream is to create a world that is similar to ours, and projects like the history of Smoogo are only a small part of my big efforts.
But there's not only The Sims 2 in my life: I like also to make musics with tracker programs (electronic music ) and draw furry/anthro drawings!
Here at my MTS2 you can find only a small part of my cars! If you want to see them all, you must click on the banner below to visit my site for more cool vintage simlish cars!