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Welcome To Retroville! A FULL Neighborhood Themed Set*Now with B&W cars!*

by The Mod Squad Posted 25th Jul 2005 at 2:19 PM - Updated 29th May 2008 at 9:09 AM by MTS2Staff : Fixed inline image
478 Comments / Replies (Who?) - 473 Feedback Posts, 4 Thanks Posts
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Test Subject
Original Poster
#2 Old 25th Jul 2005 at 2:21 PM Last edited by The Mod Squad : 28th Jul 2005 at 12:34 AM.
Default Living and Dining
Living And Study

57 Chevy Sofa

Plaid Living room set-(Chair, Endtable, Coffeetable, Bookcase, Desk)
Sofa Pack-5 sofas 1 Cheis Lounge
Chair Pack-2 chairs
Table pack-4 tables, coffee and end tables.
Cheap Book Case
Bibliofile Book Case
Living Room Set-(Grandfather Clock, End Table, Lamp, Curtains, Sofa and loveseat, Expensive Stereo)

New Mesh Recolors
Timeless Office-Mesh can be found here
Attached Images
Attached files:
File Type: zip (116.7 KB, 7967 downloads)
File Type: rar  PLaidSetBW5pieces.rar (212.5 KB, 6194 downloads)
File Type: rar  BWsofapack6.rar (1,021.0 KB, 6421 downloads)
File Type: rar  BWchair2pack.rar (123.6 KB, 5767 downloads)
File Type: rar  Table4pack.rar (117.7 KB, 5594 downloads)
File Type: rar  tkdjunkie_Cheap_Bookcase.rar (69.5 KB, 5494 downloads)
File Type: rar  tkdjunkie_Bibliofile.rar (60.8 KB, 5452 downloads)
File Type: zip (247.7 KB, 5982 downloads)
File Type: rar  JWoods_GreyScale_Office_Set_Recolor.rar (341.9 KB, 5651 downloads)
Test Subject
Original Poster
#3 Old 25th Jul 2005 at 2:21 PM Last edited by The Mod Squad : 28th Jul 2005 at 12:36 AM.
Bedroom and Nursery packages

Meshes- N/A

Dresser 3 pack-(Armoire, Werk Dresser, Cherry Dresser)
Bedding 5 pack-5 Beddings & 2 Bed Frames (Colonial Bed)
Cheap Double Bed Set
Pink Poodle Bedding

Circles Nursery Set-(High Chair, Shape Sorter, Teddy Bear, 2 Toyboxes, Toy Oven, Xylaphone, Crib, Changing Table)

Striped Bedroom Set-(Bedding and frame, Dresser, End Table, Curtains, Lamp, Plant)
Attached files:
File Type: rar  Retrovilledressers3pack.rar (137.3 KB, 4101 downloads)
File Type: rar  Beddin5pack.rar (1.06 MB, 4116 downloads)
File Type: rar  tkdjunkie_Cheap_Double_Bed.rar (52.0 KB, 3878 downloads)
File Type: zip (438.1 KB, 3758 downloads)
File Type: rar  BWcirclesNursery.rar (417.6 KB, 4091 downloads)
File Type: zip (336.8 KB, 3949 downloads)
Test Subject
Original Poster
#4 Old 25th Jul 2005 at 2:22 PM Last edited by The Mod Squad : 28th Jul 2005 at 12:37 AM.
Kitchen and Dining packages

50's Diner Table
50's Diner Stool (and recolor)
Upper Value Cabinet
6 pack of Beer (and recolor)

Retroville Kitchen Set- This Lovely kitchen was made from scratch by JWoods in the boxy feel that was so representative of 1950's kitchens. This New Mesh set includes-
3/4 cabinet, Full Pantry, Corner Cabinet, Full Sized Kitchen Cabinet, Half sized kitchen Cabinet, Counter recolor
(**Note: All the cabinet mesh's and pantry mesh use the repository feature... Recolor the "Full Size Kitchen Cabinet" and the set is recolored... The user must have the "Full Size Kitchen Cabinet" and the whole set is recolored... **)
Retroville Dining Set- Table, Chair, Microwave Table to match the kitchen.

5 Piece Kitchen Set-(Culture Cabinets, Dishwasher, Fridge, Stove, Grill) 8not pictured, just maxis conversions*
6 piece Kitchen Set-(Table, Chairs, Counter, Fridge, Stove, Sink)
Cheap Counter
Card Table
Fire Alarm
King Dining Table

New Mesh Recolors
Scarborough Kitchen Set by RGiles -recolor-MESH found here

Medieval Rune Alarm by lethe_s -recolor-MESH found here
Attached files:
File Type: rar  DBCAB_dbcab50sdinertable.rar (73.9 KB, 3367 downloads)
File Type: rar  DBCAB_dbcab50stool.rar (90.5 KB, 3246 downloads)
File Type: rar  dbcab50sdinertable_GreyScale_Recolor.rar (70.2 KB, 3182 downloads)
File Type: rar  DBCAB_dbcabvalueblknwht.rar (46.4 KB, 3147 downloads)
File Type: rar  JWoods_6PackOfBBlackLabel.rar (80.9 KB, 3460 downloads)
File Type: rar  JWoods_6PackOfBBlackLabel_Recolor1.rar (23.0 KB, 3307 downloads)
File Type: rar  JWoods_RetroVille_3_Quater_KitchenCabinet.rar (31.5 KB, 3203 downloads)
File Type: rar  JWoods_RetroVille_Full_Kitchen_Pantry.rar (43.1 KB, 3247 downloads)
File Type: rar  JWoods_RetroVille_FullCorner_KitchenCabinet.rar (33.0 KB, 3221 downloads)
File Type: rar  JWoods_RetroVille_FullSize_KitchenCabinet.rar (140.2 KB, 3209 downloads)
File Type: rar  JWoods_RetroVille_HalfSize_KitchenCabinet.rar (30.0 KB, 3142 downloads)
File Type: rar  JWoods_RetroVille_KitchenCounter_Recolor.rar (139.0 KB, 3137 downloads)
File Type: rar  JWoods_Retroville_Dining_Table.rar (48.2 KB, 3172 downloads)
File Type: rar  JWoods_Retroville_Dining_Chair.rar (57.0 KB, 3125 downloads)
File Type: rar  JWoods_Retroville_Microwave_Stand.rar (37.3 KB, 3131 downloads)
File Type: rar  BW5piecekitchenset.rar (265.5 KB, 3164 downloads)
File Type: zip (485.8 KB, 3222 downloads)
File Type: rar  tkdjunkie_BWCheapCounter.rar (193.5 KB, 3058 downloads)
File Type: rar  tkdjunkieBW_Stove.rar (46.0 KB, 3141 downloads)
File Type: rar  tkdjunkie_BW_Fridge.rar (110.5 KB, 3137 downloads)
File Type: rar  tkdjunkie_Gray_Table.rar (8.3 KB, 3088 downloads)
File Type: rar  tkdjunkie_BWFireAlarm.rar (15.2 KB, 3061 downloads)
File Type: rar  LLBNWAmpleKingDiningTable.rar (45.0 KB, 3022 downloads)
File Type: rar  LLBandWRgilesCabinets.rar (388.7 KB, 3156 downloads)
File Type: rar  LLBWrunealarm.rar (27.2 KB, 3065 downloads)
Test Subject
Original Poster
#5 Old 25th Jul 2005 at 2:22 PM Last edited by The Mod Squad : 28th Jul 2005 at 12:38 AM.
Bathroom Packages

Toilet Paper Holder

11 Piece Bathroom Set-(Colonial Tub, Mentionable toilet, Hubba Tub, Aqua Stall, Simple Sink, Super Sink, 3 public Pottys, Urinal, Expensive Potty)
Cheap Sink
Cheap Toilet
Cheap Tub
Cheap Shower
7 Piece Bathroom Recolor package-(toilet, Sink, Lights, Counter, Candle, Vase, Shower/Tub)
Attached files:
File Type: rar  xanathon_toiletpaper01.rar (10.2 KB, 4183 downloads)
File Type: rar  11PieceBathroomRetroville.rar (614.4 KB, 3349 downloads)
File Type: rar  tkdjunkie_BW_Cheap_Sink.rar (50.6 KB, 3031 downloads)
File Type: rar  tkdjunkie_BW_Cheap_Toilet.rar (85.4 KB, 3124 downloads)
File Type: rar  tkdjunkie_BW_Cheap_Tub.rar (174.4 KB, 3016 downloads)
File Type: rar  tkdjunkie_BW_Cheap_Shower.rar (216.2 KB, 3084 downloads)
File Type: zip (504.2 KB, 3314 downloads)
Test Subject
Original Poster
#6 Old 25th Jul 2005 at 2:23 PM Last edited by LyricLee : 28th Jul 2005 at 4:15 AM. Reason: repaired dead links
Electronics, Lighting, and extra programing packages

Antique Radio
Antique Wall Phone
Sunburst Wall Clock (and recolor)
Retro Wall Clock (and recolor)
Small Retro Modern Table clock (and recolor)
Retro Sput Ceiling Light

Cash Register

New Mesh Recolors
Grammophone Recolor -Mesh found here

Antique TV recolor-MESH can be found here

Audiophile Stereo Recolor-MESH found here
Attached Images
Attached files:
File Type: zip (162.6 KB, 5997 downloads)
File Type: rar  xanathon_radio01.rar (209.7 KB, 5228 downloads)
File Type: rar  Numenor_Retroville_PayPhone_04July.rar (64.9 KB, 7548 downloads)
File Type: zip (89.7 KB, 5445 downloads)
File Type: zip (6.2 KB, 4934 downloads)
File Type: zip (32.1 KB, 4546 downloads)
File Type: zip (15.3 KB, 4231 downloads)
File Type: zip (34.8 KB, 4310 downloads)
File Type: zip (9.5 KB, 4227 downloads)
File Type: rar  JWoods_RetroVille_Sput_Ceiling_Light.rar (48.9 KB, 4209 downloads)
File Type: rar  tkdjunkie_Cash_Register_v2.rar (31.8 KB, 3994 downloads)
File Type: rar  LLBWGramaphone.rar (22.5 KB, 5671 downloads)
File Type: rar  LLXanOldTvBW.rar (105.2 KB, 5724 downloads)
File Type: rar  JWoods_Audiophile_StereoSystem_GreyScale_Recolor.rar (105.5 KB, 4597 downloads)
File Type: rar  MTS2_100027_JWoods_xanathon_turntable04.rar (90.8 KB, 5984 downloads)
Test Subject
Original Poster
#7 Old 25th Jul 2005 at 2:23 PM Last edited by The Mod Squad : 28th Jul 2005 at 12:40 AM.
Floors walls and terrain packages

15 floors
7 Terrain Paints
16 walls
Attached files:
File Type: rar  BWfloorpack.rar (1.39 MB, 3452 downloads)
File Type: rar  BWTerrainPack.rar (222.8 KB, 3004 downloads)
File Type: rar  BWWallpack.rar (634.2 KB, 3252 downloads)
Test Subject
Original Poster
#8 Old 25th Jul 2005 at 2:24 PM Last edited by LyricLee : 27th Jul 2005 at 4:57 AM.
Lots and houses packages


406 Eisenhower Drive (with custom content pack)

An old 1910's family starter home costing only 19,010! Can comfortably house a family of 4 sims. 2 bedrooms, one bathroom, kitchen/dining room, living room, on a 3x2 lot.

17 Good Ol' Days Lane (with custom content pack)

A more modern-style (but still black & white) family starter home costing only 18,896! Can house 5 sims comfortably. 3 bedrooms, 1.5 bathrooms, living room, kitchen/dining room, on a 3x2 lot.

36 Poodle Lane (with custom content pack)

An old Cape Cod style home, roomy for a family of 5 sims. 3 bedrooms, 2 bathrooms, game room, living room, dining room, kitchen, wrap-around porch, on a 3x2 lot. Costs 53,813.

*Custom content packs contain additional black & white recolors used in furnishing these houses*

Bates Motel (Don't forget to download the Bates Motel Content Pack!)

After the grisley murder that occurred in a shower at the Bates Motel, nobody was brave enough to stay there. The old Bates house was converted into a gift shop -- a spooky place to shop, pull pranks, and hang out. The motel still looms at the street's edge, daring any brave sim to stay the night ...

Retroville Drive-In-Community Lot

Drive-In Movies..An American Past time that can not be forgotten.... take you sims downtown and let them enjoy the feel of the old days at the Retroville Drive-In. Big Screen viewing, Concession stand, Ticket Booth and cafe all included in this lot....

You can find JRM's Mega TV here

And the Drive-In speaker boxes are in the decorative thread of this post.

(original lot was donated to us by Simfred2. That lot in color canbe found here Color Drive In
This lot was tweeked and un-colorized for this set...Thank you Simfred2!!!
Attached files:
File Type: rar  tkdjunkie_36_Poodle_Lane.rar (637.8 KB, 3470 downloads)
File Type: rar  tkdjunkie_36_Poodle_Lane_Content.rar (1.27 MB, 3516 downloads)
File Type: rar  tkdjunkie_The_Bates_Motel.rar (787.0 KB, 4529 downloads)
File Type: rar  tkdjunkie_The_Bates_Motel_Content.rar (2.44 MB, 4728 downloads)
File Type: rar  LyricLee_RetrovilleDriveIn.rar (1.60 MB, 3684 downloads)
File Type: rar  406 Eisenhower Drive.rar (558.5 KB, 3328 downloads)
File Type: rar  406 Eisenhower Drive Content.rar (970.2 KB, 3259 downloads)
File Type: rar  17 Good Ol' Days Lane.rar (411.7 KB, 3120 downloads)
File Type: rar  17 Good Ol' Days Lane Content.rar (1.22 MB, 3201 downloads)
Test Subject
Original Poster
#9 Old 25th Jul 2005 at 2:24 PM Last edited by LyricLee : 28th Jul 2005 at 6:21 PM.
Buildmode items

Meshes N/A


6 window recolors
4 door recolors
1 Staircase recolor
Retroville Diner Door
Birch tree

UPDATE-I've tested the trees in both neighborhood view and by exiting and reentering the lots. They do retain the greyscale colors so please make sure you have the latests CEP installed. Thanks

Splash of color plant pack-(these plants have one or two leaves in color the rest black and white)
Hibiscus Tree-Babbling Bush-Bay Tree-Birch Tree-Daisies-Japanese Maple
Pansies-Rose Bush-Weeping Willow
Attached Images
Attached files:
File Type: rar  Retrovillewindows6pack.rar (226.5 KB, 2948 downloads)
File Type: rar  RetorvilleDoors.rar (261.4 KB, 2925 downloads)
File Type: rar  B&WUPwardMobileStairs.rar (33.4 KB, 2755 downloads)
File Type: rar  JWoods_RetroVille_DinerDoor_Recolor.rar (79.7 KB, 2878 downloads)
File Type: rar  tkdjunkie_BW_Archway.rar (58.9 KB, 2848 downloads)
File Type: rar  tkdjunkie_BW_Birchtree.rar (119.8 KB, 2685 downloads)
File Type: rar  LyricLee_BlackAndWhitePlantPack1.rar (786.2 KB, 2727 downloads)
Test Subject
Original Poster
#10 Old 25th Jul 2005 at 2:24 PM Last edited by LyricLee : 28th Jul 2005 at 2:52 PM.
Sims and genetics packages

Flippy Hair
50's style eye glasses
Teen Petticoat
Old fashioned Dress (2 patterns)
Little girls dress (2 patterns)
Elder Female dress (2 patterns)
Female Pill Box Hat (2 colors)

Letterman outfit
Fry Cook
2 Male Adult outfits
Toddler Pajamas
Toddler Dress
2 Teen Male outfits
2 Elder Male Outfits

Curly Female Hair

4 pack womens clothing
4 pack mens clothing
3 pack eye recolors
1 set of grey eyebrows
2 pack Male and Female hair (womens bob, Mens average cut)

Completed Sims
You'll find a bountiful collection of sims in our download area that were from the 1950's and 60's. Please feel free to download them and de-colorize them for your retroville neighborhood. Theres some very pretty Marilyn Monroes, and Other noted personalities available. However we just couldnt do this set without adding our own as well. Created by anonymous, these sims are the perfect touch to your black and white world.

Norman Bates: No Bates Motel is complete without Norman. Everything from mts2, maxis, and the exchange except the top from

Jackie Kennedy: skintone, eyeliner, and lipcolor all from the exchange. Eyes by helaene. Eyebrows from Blush by zandycrafty. If you'd like to make her black and white like the rest of the collection, just change her skintone and eyes to the ones included with this set.

**** You can also find a Lucielle Ball sim, made as a teaser for this set here ****

New Mesh Recolors
Poodle Skirt found here
Attached files:
File Type: zip (559.5 KB, 3860 downloads)
File Type: zip (49.1 KB, 3254 downloads)
File Type: zip (515.9 KB, 3351 downloads)
File Type: zip (483.0 KB, 3091 downloads)
File Type: zip (226.5 KB, 3451 downloads)
File Type: zip (216.2 KB, 3359 downloads)
File Type: zip (106.0 KB, 3453 downloads)
File Type: zip (140.5 KB, 2799 downloads)
File Type: zip (135.4 KB, 2814 downloads)
File Type: zip (98.7 KB, 2915 downloads)
File Type: zip (202.4 KB, 2897 downloads)
File Type: zip (324.7 KB, 2878 downloads)
File Type: zip (101.0 KB, 2939 downloads)
File Type: zip (3.9 KB, 3586 downloads)
File Type: zip (24.6 KB, 3568 downloads)
File Type: zip (18.7 KB, 4087 downloads)
File Type: rar  Lettermen.rar (5.20 MB, 2863 downloads)
File Type: rar  DinerCook.rar (5.79 MB, 2769 downloads)
File Type: rar  DinerWaitress.rar (5.43 MB, 2818 downloads)
File Type: zip (697.1 KB, 2640 downloads)
File Type: zip (722.5 KB, 2563 downloads)
File Type: zip (54.0 KB, 2544 downloads)
File Type: zip (62.7 KB, 2555 downloads)
File Type: zip (209.8 KB, 2503 downloads)
File Type: zip (605.5 KB, 2471 downloads)
File Type: zip (471.4 KB, 2429 downloads)
File Type: zip (604.7 KB, 2434 downloads)
File Type: zip (445.0 KB, 2759 downloads)
File Type: rar  FemaleClothingPack.rar (331.6 KB, 3014 downloads)
File Type: rar  MaleClothingPack.rar (427.5 KB, 2735 downloads)
File Type: rar  eyes3pack.rar (25.2 KB, 2393 downloads)
File Type: rar  eyebrows.rar (6.9 KB, 2421 downloads)
File Type: rar  M&Fhair2pack.rar (207.0 KB, 2591 downloads)
File Type: rar  skin2pack.rar (1.64 MB, 2497 downloads)
File Type: rar  Norman Bates.rar (1.32 MB, 2533 downloads)
File Type: rar  Jackie Kennedy.rar (3.21 MB, 3081 downloads)
File Type: rar  TeenieBopper.rar (1.72 MB, 2645 downloads)
Retired Moderator
retired moderator
#11 Old 25th Jul 2005 at 3:23 PM Last edited by MTS2Staff : 4th Sep 2007 at 11:36 PM.
Decorative and Miscelaneous Items

(NOTE: all these items can only be downloaded packed in one 4.8Mb RAR from post #12; the screenshots got lost, I could only retrieve few of them, but in the RAR you will find ALL the objects and recolours listed below)

Small Coke Cap
Retroville Awning
Round advertizing signs-Coke sign, genesee-beer, and Packard *updated with many more recolors)
Norman Rockwell Photo Frame and 7 recolors
Lava Lamp (with animations)
Mini Grandfather Clock-*issues with replacing alarm clock fixed, please redownload*
Retroville Outdoor Sign
Kickerbocker Glory Ice Cream Glasses and recolors
Cigar Box
Smokers Set
Retroville Drive-In Speaker Box
*Bates Motel Sign (Fixed-Please redownload this file, also an additional greyscale recolor)*
Picnic Basket
Hot Dog Cart-(Fixed Please redownload this file)

DBCAB has also made an outdoor clothing rack which was our teaster piece released early. You can find that mesh here

Retroville 50s store signs - 14 pack
Retroville 50's store signs (UNI ONLY) -9 pack
2 sets of balloons
"We Can Do It" poster
Square Trash Can
Rubber Tree
Grandfather Clock
2 Cafe Curtains
Vanity (UNI ONLY)

New Mesh Recolors

-3 flat panel curtains-MESH found here

-Cooker hood-MESH found here

-Long Verticle Blind recolor -MESH found here

-Chevy Car Recolor-MESH by acehole found here

-Large round Coke Cap and Malt shop sign-Must getthe MESH- can be found at Reflex Sims here
*I can not directly link to the post but the original mesh is a large round brown textured circle.*

-8 retro rugs using Echo's 2x3 and 3x4 meshes found here
Test Subject
Original Poster
#12 Old 28th Jul 2005 at 12:41 AM Last edited by simsample : 25th Apr 2012 at 12:24 PM. Reason: Amended links
All in one rar files

Use WinRAR or another RAR package to open these. They contain all the items from the individual posts in one easy to download file.

Living and Study - 2.2mb

Bedroom and Nursery - 2.3mb

Kitchen and Dining - 2.4mb

Bathroom - 1.4mb

Electronics, Lighting and extra programming items - 0.9mb

Recolors - 2.3mb

Lots and Houses - 8.1mb

Sims and Genetics - 28.6mb

Decorative and Misc items - 4.8mb

Some of the above rar files have Sims2Packs within them. You will need to install these seperately (they cannot just be copied into your download folder). We suggest using either the Sims2Pack Clean Installer or Delphy's Multi-Sims2Pack Installer, both of which can be found here on MTS2.
Test Subject
Original Poster
#13 Old 28th Jul 2005 at 12:43 AM Last edited by LyricLee : 30th Jul 2005 at 5:23 AM.

Here are the original Maxis 5 eye colors converted to greyscale. We fixed an issue with the thumbnails and here they are for you to customize your simmies...enjoy*****

skins coming soon
Attached files:
File Type: rar  Faylen_retrobrowneye.rar (9.9 KB, 1927 downloads)
File Type: rar  Faylen_retrodkblueeye.rar (10.0 KB, 1890 downloads)
File Type: rar  Faylen_retrogreeneye.rar (10.0 KB, 1890 downloads)
File Type: rar  Faylen_retrogreyeye.rar (10.0 KB, 1984 downloads)
File Type: rar  Faylen_retroltblueeye.rar (10.1 KB, 1962 downloads)
Test Subject
Original Poster
#14 Old 28th Jul 2005 at 12:43 AM Last edited by LyricLee : 8th Aug 2005 at 11:46 PM.
**********************Member Add-Ons*********************

birene has made a lovely set of musical instruments in matching greyscale..they can be found here

birene has also made lovely B&w vehicles to replace the default cars in thegame. They can be found in this thread. Here is the direct link. Please follow the instructions on that post . Thanks birene!
Tough Cookie
#15 Old 28th Jul 2005 at 3:44 AM
Holy Crap..You all went through the whole 9........Now I have to download everything.
Forum Resident
#16 Old 28th Jul 2005 at 3:44 AM
wow this is nice thanx for sharing i love the lava lamps!!
Test Subject
#17 Old 28th Jul 2005 at 3:44 AM
Its wonderful! Wow! I can't keep staring at it. Thats really cool.
Lab Assistant
#18 Old 28th Jul 2005 at 3:46 AM
lol.. this is absolutely wonderful. Thank you
#19 Old 28th Jul 2005 at 3:48 AM
jeezus christ! that's enough content to make a new ep! shoot, that's more content then the last ep released had!
Test Subject
#20 Old 28th Jul 2005 at 3:50 AM
looks awesome! just finished getting all of it, im especially liking the Coca~Cola stuff. thanks!
Lab Assistant
#21 Old 28th Jul 2005 at 3:52 AM
beautiful. *goes off to download everything*
Test Subject
#22 Old 28th Jul 2005 at 3:52 AM
dudes........ I am shocked!!!! you guys rock!!!!!!
Field Researcher
#23 Old 28th Jul 2005 at 3:55 AM
I love the lava lamps! Can I download all this in a single .zip file? or do I have to download all the folders? Great job.
Lab Assistant
#24 Old 28th Jul 2005 at 3:56 AM
just amazing....!

the lava lamps the clocks the signs

i love this style....tomorrow begins the day of downloading...and my computer crashing do to low graphics card memory...o well its worth it
Retired Moderator
retired moderator
#25 Old 28th Jul 2005 at 3:58 AM
Quote: Originally posted by ricberbor3
I love the lava lamps! Can I download all this in a single .zip file? or do I have to download all the folders? Great job.

Post 12 has 10 or so files you can download to get the full room collection in one large file and thanks for all the comments everyone

For all of my creations and more free downloads please visit Exnem Sims
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