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#101 Old 28th Jun 2007 at 1:42 AM
Quote: Originally posted by tkdjunkie
First of all, THANK YOU for this wonderful tutorial! It is very well-written, complete, and easy to follow. This is the first time I've ever made anything in SimPE that actually worked in the game. It's a small feat, but it made me excited!

The first thing I've tried making is a snow-covered roof. I made a snow ground texture (which turns out nicely in the game), so I tried applying the same texture to the roof. But it didn't turn out very well because the texture is darkened once it is applied. (The actual texture is attached along with a screenshot of the roof).

Can anything be done to prevent/lessen the darkening of textures? Is there a way to add reflective or transparent properties to a roof?

Thank you very much for your help!

dear tkdjunkie,
i brightened up ur texture, so it might wrk btr. i also changed da contrast a little
[IMG]C:\Documents and Settings\test\My Docments\My Pictures\snow.png[/IMG] if ur image waz copyrighted, ill cry cuz wat i did waz llegal :-(

i like cheesey oranges, dude
(='.'=)This is Bunny. He's gonna dominate the world
(")_(")and you can't do nothin' 'bout it!!! *Hop Hop*
Test Subject
#102 Old 28th Jun 2007 at 1:47 AM
u can also try this hack

i like cheesey oranges, dude
(='.'=)This is Bunny. He's gonna dominate the world
(")_(")and you can't do nothin' 'bout it!!! *Hop Hop*
Mad Poster
#103 Old 28th Jun 2007 at 10:24 AM
Quote: Originally posted by i like cheesey oranges
dear tkdjunkie,
i brightened up ur texture, so it might wrk btr. i also changed da contrast a little
[IMG]C:\Documents and Settings\test\My Docments\My Pictures\snow.png[/IMG] if ur image waz copyrighted, ill cry cuz wat i did waz llegal :-(

It says she has kinda quit the MTS2 scene, may read her signature

You may ask a moderator if one knows her copyright policy or someone who knows.
Lab Assistant
#104 Old 24th Aug 2007 at 4:39 PM
I'm sorry for bothering you, but I'm new to SimPE and I have a problem. The first thing I recoloured was a lamp and that turned out great. Now I tried to make a custom roof, but when I get to the part where my package was created and ready for me to edit...well, it isn't! Im in Plugin View, did everything correctly, but I cant' edit my package! Why is that? What did I do wrong? Help, please...
Mad Poster
#105 Old 26th Aug 2007 at 6:53 AM Last edited by niol : 26th Aug 2007 at 7:07 AM.
Quote: Originally posted by blackivy
I'm sorry for bothering you...

As you know it, you still did it .

Tease apart :D, so is the "commit" button clicked after every edit before moving on the next file in a given roof package?

After editing all the files, save the package?
Lab Assistant
#106 Old 27th Aug 2007 at 6:58 PM
I did all of that...since I'm new to all of this I follow all the instructions step by step And I know it because the recolor I did before I tried to do this roof works fine.
Now, I tried again and it worked, but the list option is no longer up, next to the resource tree, but below, with all the other options, (plugin view, hex, package, etc.) I'm glad it showed up, but why wasn't it there when I tried to do a roof recolor?
Mad Poster
#107 Old 28th Aug 2007 at 8:48 AM

So, now it works for you? If so, congratulations.

The resource list could have been blocked by the resource tree or the workspace windows, just maximise SimPE and readjust the in-programme window sizes to see if it's that case.
Test Subject
#108 Old 28th Oct 2007 at 4:35 PM
.Zip file in the first post is corrupted.
WinAce and WinRAR are not able to extract it.
Mad Poster
#109 Old 28th Oct 2007 at 5:36 PM

may try to download it again. There're many reasons for a download to be corrupted. It can be the connection was reset from your end or the site end or your internet service provider.
Also, may try to avoid download from the beginning of an hour or a day, I'm unsure if this is true when there're resets during these moments.
Test Subject
#110 Old 20th Nov 2007 at 7:46 PM
Once again I must thank you Numenor. My roof is now ready for download :]. I will be putting it up shortly ^^,
Lab Assistant
#111 Old 11th Jan 2008 at 6:37 AM
15th Nov 2005, 10:27 AM # 6
The ModFather

The "textures that allow repetitions" are called seamless textures: there are many sites that offer seamless textures for free; and if you use PaintShop Pro or PhotoShop, you can transform any image into a seamless texture using the "Simple QuickTile" plugin offered for free on THIS SITE.

I've copied your pattern from the image you've posted, and applied the QuickTile effect, and then I've tiled the new seamless pattern on the image.

thanks for this tutorial. I've been working with it the last couple of days.

I am new to recoloring and "paint" programs (I just learned the usefulness of layers yesterday-LOL) so I am on my 3rd try. (trying to get it to look good in the game)
OK...so now that you know what a noob I am hopefully you can give me an easy answer to my question:
I DL the QuickTile plugin. I am using Paint.NET. All the plug-ins for Paint.NET are .dll format. Is there a way I can make that plug-in (qtile.8bf) work in that program? (I don't have photoshop)
I DL a plug-in called Seamless Texture Maker but when I tried to use that it messed up my roof completely....so either it does not work for this application or I just don't know how to use it correctly.

Thanks again...it's wonderful to find tutorials that even people like me can follow and learn from.
Lab Assistant
#112 Old 11th Jan 2008 at 7:45 PM Last edited by burningglare : 13th Jan 2008 at 11:05 PM. Reason: response from niol
OK...I am looking for some help/suggestions.
I recolored the simple template but I am not getting the result I want.
This is supposed to be a metal roof.
But as you can see...not much detail (I only blurred this slightly), but I also lightened it. (so many roofs I've D/L look great in thumbnails but are very dark in-game)

This is what it looks like close-up....I was surprised to see that the lines don't line up (is that normal?)...they were straight lines all on a layer by themselves.

This is the background layer:

This is the layer with the lines:

I also am not happy with the edges, but I just need to experiment with those to see how the color adjusts between Paint.NET and the game.

I hope someone has some suggestions.
So after 2 days of playing with this ONE roof recolor I better get busy with my real job today

(Hopefully people are still following this thread)

Feedback from Niol:
As for how to make roof recolours lighter, you can try this mod,

As for how to get a metallic look, unfortunately, since Seasons, the envcubemap no longer works for the roof by default unless some modded codes are added in to retain that. But, I'm presently too busy to solve it. I've too many things to finish on my hands and the list is too long for now. Sorry.
Test Subject
#113 Old 3rd Feb 2008 at 4:38 PM
Hallo Numenor!

THANK YOU so much for your brilliant tutorial!

I've already cloned several roofs, but now, with Niol's hint to your tutorial, I'm able to make them work in the base game as well!
That is really great!

Come and visit Blackys Sims Zoo
Field Researcher
#114 Old 20th Apr 2008 at 6:17 PM
Default Thank You!
Numenor : Thank you so much for your great tutorial. Here is my first custom roof. I just test in my games (base game only) and its look fine.

~ Sharing is caring ~
Lab Assistant
#115 Old 19th Jul 2008 at 10:44 PM
thanks for this great tutorial, I'm gonna start the game and see how it turned out now
Test Subject
#116 Old 9th Dec 2008 at 5:38 AM
Thanks to this great tutorial, I have been able to make some decent recolors.

My question: Is it possible to extract the roof object mesh from the game to test my recolors? If so can anyone tell me where to find it? I am currently doing the trial and error thing in and out of the game which is quite time consuming and crashes my game overtime.

Lab Assistant
#117 Old 28th Jan 2009 at 5:59 AM

I'm not a fan of the maxis-made roofs, and the set of roofs I downloaded only had white trim and that annoyed me because it only looked good with white walls, but now I can't complain because I've made my own/fixed the trim.

So thanks for showing me how!
Mad Poster
#118 Old 24th Aug 2009 at 6:59 AM
Quote: Originally posted by libellule
My question: Is it possible to extract the roof object mesh from the game to test my recolors? If so can anyone tell me where to find it? I am currently doing the trial and error thing in and out of the game which is quite time consuming and crashes my game overtime.

I've not read on any published infos about TS2 roof mesh, but we'll see anyone may bring in this here.

Generally, we know there is a file in a given lot package file, and it is responsible to record down the necessary coordinates for the TS2 engine to draw the roof.

Maybe, a modularly designed roof object as a custom object based on decorative is more approachable for aesthetic causes (The custom object take care of the appearance while an in-game roof-tool-based roof or floor-tile-based roofs is necessary for in-game roof functions.).

Quote: Originally posted by Extensa5420
I am not sure why do I have to type those numbers in (0x4C8CC5C0), along with the GUIDs. Also, do you just make up a number for a new GUID? I do recall a BHAV tutorial on how to make GUIDs. I have to separate the old GUID in 2's and write them backwards. Do I do the same in this roof tutorial when I create a new GUID?

0x4C8CC5C0 from step 5c is said to be the global ID for the file type used in order for the TS2 engine to recognise this type of file (here, the custom custom roof recolours), so it is mandatory to copy it exactly as it is suggested.

But, the GUID from step 5b is the specific ID for the newly cloned roof recolour file locally/internally in order not to get mixed with other roof reoclour files. This GUID can be a reused one from any custom object the roof-recolour maker (a person) has registered from the SimPE site because it is known that this series of GUID won't get mixed with the custom object one. That is because 0x4C8CC5C0 has already done the job to separate the two series.
#119 Old 17th Mar 2024 at 3:46 PM

Here's another template I found in the game files last year that's incredibly helpful when creating custom textures. You can overlay it over your texture to see exactly which edges on your texture aren't aligning.

And CatherineTCJD linked to a blog post by Ocean Quigley that illustrates how the roofs are mapped as well: http://oceanquigley.blogspot.com/20...ure-design.html
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