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#1426 Old 21st Aug 2011 at 10:02 AM
Hi Grangerpup,

thanks very much for the reply! Sadly, it doesn't get me much farther.

Quote: Originally posted by Grangerpup
OK the window you want should be right where it is in the tut.

Yes it should. It just isnt'!

I know there should be a window saying "Resource List", and what it should look like. It just isn't there. Screen shot:

If you look at the icon bars at the bottom where all the other windows are shown (for Plugin View, Ojbect Workshop, Finder etc.), there's no tab or icon for "Resource Tree" there.

I tried checking "Resource Tree" in the "Windows" drop-down menu (top of SimPE), and I can check and uncheck it, but it still doesn't turn up either with the other icons or as a window.

So what I need to know is: how in heck to I get the "Resource List" Window to be visible so I can use it? Is this a bug? Known problem?
Site Helper
#1427 Old 21st Aug 2011 at 4:30 PM
alchemist, your question has been answered in your other thread. There's no need to post the same question in multiple places.
Lab Assistant
#1428 Old 22nd Oct 2011 at 8:01 PM Last edited by Skimmer55 : 22nd Oct 2011 at 8:23 PM. Reason: Lack of info
Default Wtf!!!
I did everything correctly, yet this happens:
This is the uv map (half coloured)
This is the mesh:
This is the cloned object:
help please!!!

My mini website: Skimmer55
Top Secret Researcher
#1429 Old 4th Nov 2011 at 12:43 PM Last edited by LadyAngel : 7th Nov 2011 at 9:18 AM.
This tutorial is great, and I've managed the table with few problems. However, I can't seem to adapt it to create paintings as I'm very new to modding/meshing etc. Is there a way to use this tutorial to create paintings? I want to create a new one rather than re-colour an existing one.


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Lab Assistant
#1430 Old 8th Mar 2012 at 6:37 PM Last edited by kittcat92 : 9th Mar 2012 at 3:05 PM.
I'm having a bit of trouble with the export obj. file part. I tried to export it as the Blender tut says but I have ver 2.62 so everything looks way different. When I exported it, it saved it 250 times in the designated folder and will not come up in Sim PE. When I imported one of the files back into Blender, there was an extra cube and cylinder that shouldn't have been there. Help Please!

EDIT: okay I fixed that part ^^ but when I tried importing into SimPE I got an error. When I looked the error up, it said I had to convert the obj file using UV Mapper. Anyone know how to convert a obj file with a negative index to a positive index using UV Mapper?
Lab Assistant
#1431 Old 11th May 2012 at 9:08 PM
Thank you! I just got Milkshape and I didn't know what to do. I was just staring at the empty space.
Thank you so much!
Test Subject
#1432 Old 22nd Aug 2012 at 1:20 PM
When I try to 'Export Wavefront OBJ' it says 'This copy is not registered!' I am using the trial version. :?

I Love Jeeps!
Test Subject
#1433 Old 9th Jan 2013 at 1:11 AM Last edited by Graciouse : 9th Jan 2013 at 1:22 AM. Reason: Adding Info and thanks
Cloning Issues with Talking Table-Missing Table Top
Thanks to all the gifted people here on this site who dedicates time and energy to help people like me have a smooth go in learning different things on this site. I am quite stumped on this one. I have cloned this table a lot and I am not understanding why the table top will not show up in the game. Could someone please help me.
I need some assistance on cloning the talking table. I follow everything to a tee. Then when I go into the game to view it I see only table legs. I have done this creation over and over about 5 times and I am missing the table top. What do you think I am doing wrong? I use Wings 3D; update SimPE for Mansion and Gardens and Apartment Life.

Living Life To The Fullest
Blenderized to Pieces
retired moderator
#1434 Old 26th Jan 2013 at 1:03 AM
?? Graciouse... Here are a couple of ideas. I don't know if they are valid in your case but they do happen to other creators from time to time.

Do you have too many group names when you imported the mesh back into the package? After you make your new parts, and map them, you need to make sure you regroup your parts into the original group names before you import them into your package......

or,... maybe your polygons are reversed? The texture can only be applied to the 'front' face. Looking at the faces from the backside will be invisible. You can check that in game by looking at the bottom of the table and going inside the table if your camera will let you. If you can see the insides of the table but not the outsides, then your faces are reversed.
Lab Assistant
#1435 Old 11th Mar 2013 at 6:18 PM
nice tutorial

I have been searching a lot of these and this one is very detailed
but is there one that does NOT start with clone an object from the game?

I mean like start from scratch with a complete imported 3D shape in milkshape , how do we get to game item from that?

remove me from your history, I'm not interrested in this site anymore
Former Hamster
retired moderator
#1436 Old 11th Mar 2013 at 7:19 PM
Quote: Originally posted by mr_db1
nice tutorial

I have been searching a lot of these and this one is very detailed
but is there one that does NOT start with clone an object from the game?

I mean like start from scratch with a complete imported 3D shape in milkshape , how do we get to game item from that?

The same way. You still need to clone a game object and swap out it's mesh/textures for yours.
Lab Assistant
#1437 Old 12th Mar 2013 at 9:34 AM
ok that helps
now for the hard part
waiting for that object-workshop to run (old machine)

remove me from your history, I'm not interrested in this site anymore
Forum Resident
#1438 Old 23rd Oct 2014 at 8:13 PM
This tutorial uses Blender Version 2.41. It seems to me that it makes a big difference for those of us who are not familiar with Graphic Art / Geometrics that we must be following directions so very carefully with everything exactly in it's place. Blender's newer version have lost the look of older version I think. To find 2.41 you must go to the Index you can find that here:

Test Subject
#1439 Old 25th Oct 2014 at 9:06 PM
Default Index was out of range
I am getting the same error as Skimmer55 and a few others got. In my case its because I have the wrong setting when exporting from blender, but the problem is that I don't know what settings to use. I cant tell from the tutorial because I have a newer version of blender, so I have some what different options.

Here is what I have to choose from:

Note: In SimPE I do have advanced checked and each time I exported I did not select "Write Normals".
Pretty Space Pony
retired moderator
#1440 Old 29th Oct 2014 at 9:12 AM
I would suggest to try it with the 'write normals' checked to see what happens "Including normals" is what it's called in older versions of Blender.
I have the following checked on my old version: apply modifiers, include edges, include normals, include UVs, write materials and Objects as OBJ Objects. From your screenshot, you have all the same options apart from the include normals which is write normals. When I forget to check "include normals", I get the same index out of range error. So definitely worth the try and it would help us update this tutorial at the same time
Test Subject
#1441 Old 24th Jan 2015 at 2:26 AM
I am having the same problem as Skimmer55 but I am using Wings3D and I don not see any options to choose when I am exporting the file. Any suggestions would be great! ^-^
Test Subject
#1442 Old 2nd Jul 2015 at 6:27 PM
Default File for review
I am lost. Here is the file I have uploaded for review. Please Help Me.

Quote: Originally posted by porkypine
?? Graciouse... Here are a couple of ideas. I don't know if they are valid in your case but they do happen to other creators from time to time.

Do you have too many group names when you imported the mesh back into the package? After you make your new parts, and map them, you need to make sure you regroup your parts into the original group names before you import them into your package......

or,... maybe your polygons are reversed? The texture can only be applied to the 'front' face. Looking at the faces from the backside will be invisible. You can check that in game by looking at the bottom of the table and going inside the table if your camera will let you. If you can see the insides of the table but not the outsides, then your faces are reversed.
Attached files:
File Type: rar  Tutorial_dining_table04212015.rar (72.0 KB, 24 downloads) - View custom content
Description: Download file
File Type: rar  graciouse.tutorial.dining.rar (148.0 KB, 24 downloads) - View custom content
Description: actual table created in photoshop elements

Living Life To The Fullest
#1443 Old 3rd Jul 2015 at 5:17 PM
Quote: Originally posted by Graciouse
I am lost. Here is the file I have uploaded for review. Please Help Me.

Hi @Graciouse One of the subset or group names was changed automatically by your 3D editor when you imported your mesh. You need to change it back to tabledining (like the part of your mesh that shows up) because that's the name your texture is linked to. You can change the name under the group tab.
Forum Resident
#1444 Old 18th Jul 2015 at 7:20 AM Last edited by LaurellKH : 18th Jul 2015 at 7:38 AM.
This is the only tutorial for meshing in TS2 with Blender in existence anywhere! Could someone please make a 2015 current tutorial with the current Blender and current programs plzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz.

But this is not possible? Look here what I have found -

20/4/14 11:55 (UTC)
Posted by [personal profile] janika31
Hi, thanks for your tutorial, but I have one question. Can I use this tutorial for blender? I don't use milkshape, i doN't like it..:/
(I'm sorry, my english is not good, but I hope, you understand me.)

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Re: Blender
20/4/14 14:34 (UTC)
Posted by [personal profile] serenity_fall
I'm afraid I'm not entirely sure if it's possible in blender, mostly because of the lack of plugins.

TS2 meshes require a special type of importer/exporter plugin that is not available in blender without an outside source. The last plugin I was aware of is from 2007 on MTS here: http://modthesims.info/download.php?t=246658 but this is not capability with blender 2.68a and I'm not sure if TS3 plugins for the newer version are capability with older ones.

Sorry if this doesn't help much :x

What have you evil people done!? You supported the expensive programs like Milkshape and ignored Blender because you do not care about us poor people with no money. And you sit there and laugh like lords and ladies in your rich homes not caring that you supported nothing for the poor people.

*quote ref http://serenity-fall.dreamwidth.org/1366.html
Test Subject
#1445 Old 21st Jan 2016 at 10:59 PM
Thanks. The only mistake I done was inside out textures on legs. I saw its inner faces. I'll repeat the tutorial to be sure I done it it right next time.

The thing I was stuck quite a while was the version of blender. Because the 2.41 version is really different from 2.76.

Linking the legs was the thing to figure out

But still. I succeeded on creating the table model and the game recognized it. The model, the collision, the price and textures were fine, except the inside out part.

Thanks again. I thought that basic modding was much more difficult. Should've started earlier.
Test Subject
#1446 Old 22nd Jan 2016 at 10:58 AM
my second try was successful. The mesh texture is not inside out now.
I made it.
Thank you again.
Test Subject
#1447 Old 14th Dec 2017 at 4:50 AM
I could use some help. seems I dont have plug ins I need for SimPE to be able to export the gmdc to a blender format. it instead wants to export to maya as an obj. file. I dont have Maya, I do however have 2 versions of blender installed, and I do have milkshape, just not installed on this PC yet. there are other export options but none are blender compatable. I have done all this before on an xp system and had no problems but now I am using windows 10 with the ultimate collection. I have done all the fixes needed as far as I know so I can successfully clone an object now, but the object extraction doesn't seem to have any usable SimPE to blender plug ins. I do have all the blender plug ins in blender and usable but I have to be able to get a files out of SimPE before I can use them. seems I need 2 sets of imports and exports. one for blender, and one for simpe. I can only find ones for blender that go in blender tools files.
Mad Poster
#1448 Old 14th Dec 2017 at 6:58 AM
The maya obj exporter is compatible with blender. You import it into blender as a wavefront obj.
Lab Assistant
#1449 Old 23rd Mar 2019 at 4:24 PM
Default Where is the next button?
Where is the "next" button up on object selection? I tried to follow tutorial and according to two different tutorials it should appear when I select an object, but it's missing
Test Subject
#1450 Old 7th Feb 2025 at 9:19 PM
The german translation is not downloadable anymore
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