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#101 Old 12th Oct 2012 at 4:34 PM
Default Thank you so much!
This tutorial is super easy to understand! Thank you so much, your work is amazing! I've been wanting to create a new career for such a long time, but I also needed to follow another tutorial (This one!) and I thought it would be so boring and long! But it's not! It's interesting and super quick! Thanks again, I can't thank you enough!


Lab Assistant
#102 Old 7th May 2014 at 12:27 AM
I downloaded a modeling career from here and the job pop from the computer says a campaign worker in the Modeling career. I get that it was probably made with the politics career since I am pretty sure the days and wages match, but I have looked through SimPE as best as I know how and do not see anywhere that it has this information... Curious to know what could cause this issue. I would like to keep this career, but not sure I will figure it out or it it is actually another career clashing with it ..
Test Subject
#103 Old 7th May 2018 at 4:44 AM
I keep getting an error when trying to use Get GUID for my custom career. Has anyone else seen this?
Mad Poster
#104 Old 7th May 2018 at 4:54 PM

If your issue is not just related to custom career creations, then could it be that you are just late on the BIG news?
Quaxi came back, and fixed the GUID issue we were ALL starting to have at some point. We could not register new GUIDS the normal way.

Now, you have 2 choices..
Either like me, you choose to keep the last version, 0.73.44, and only download a new .dll that fixes the GUID issue.
Find it here!
Or, you go ahead and download the new SimPE version.
Posted a few posts later...here!

Je mange des girafes et je parle aussi français !...surtout :0)

Find all my old MTS Uploads, on my SFS, And all new uploads Here . :)
Test Subject
#105 Old 8th May 2018 at 1:31 AM
Quote: Originally posted by Rosebine

If your issue is not just related to custom career creations, then could it be that you are just late on the BIG news?
Quaxi came back, and fixed the GUID issue we were ALL starting to have at some point. We could not register new GUIDS the normal way.

Now, you have 2 choices..
Either like me, you choose to keep the last version, 0.73.44, and only download a new .dll that fixes the GUID issue.
Find it here!
Or, you go ahead and download the new SimPE version.
Posted a few posts later...here!


Yes, I'm definitely out of the loop. I stopped playing and tinkering with TS2 a few years back when my laptop couldn't handle the game (TS2 isn't optimized well for modern low-end PCs), but my new rig handles the game great, so I'm trying to get back into things. I went to SimPE's website, but it looked like a new version hadn't been released in quite some time. I must have misread something there. Thanks for the info!!!
Mad Poster
#106 Old 8th May 2018 at 3:49 AM
You are welcome, and..welcome back!

Je mange des girafes et je parle aussi français !...surtout :0)

Find all my old MTS Uploads, on my SFS, And all new uploads Here . :)
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