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#1 Old 6th Jan 2009 at 10:12 PM
Default Round 1 Natter
For Talk and Stuff on the First Round of the Contest.

Natter Away!

BodyShopped /// ShoofleedSims
♦ // Jack.exe // ♦
Top Secret Researcher
#2 Old 6th Jan 2009 at 11:25 PM
Shame, we're all so quiet now we actually have at thread we're alllowed to natter in :\. Ha!

Anywayyyyy i gots to work on mine - i has all the writing done but no pictures- urgh. should either do the friday if i don't go out or saturday night lols :] Goodlucks guysies :D

Previously known as 'simcharley1990'
Original Poster
#3 Old 6th Jan 2009 at 11:34 PM
LOL your too right :D

I have two "flashback" pictures and around 1/3 of the text done, so I'm around 1/2 there I would say content wise, but 1/3 in presentation (I'm a tweak-a-hollic with this stuff; I even get it pre-checked *I'm not that good at English * )

I think I'm gonna go edit crazy for the thumbs, and then add the originals as the full-sized ones. But I'll do that all in one go for uniformality

What's everyone else doing?!

BodyShopped /// ShoofleedSims
♦ // Jack.exe // ♦
Lab Assistant
#4 Old 6th Jan 2009 at 11:50 PM
well, i have to get a bit creative...i don't have internet on my sims laptop so i have to transfer the pics to our mac...plus i don't really want my parents knowing how crazy i am about sims so i have to do it all secret-like...in any case, i just did my app and round 1 in one sitting each...the round 1 was so much easier than the app cause at least i had my story hammered out...

edit: congrats on starting the chatter page :P
Original Poster
#5 Old 7th Jan 2009 at 12:00 AM
Lol, thanks :D

Actually, I am finding the app to be MUCH easier to do than the first round. I was able to just write.. Whereas now I have to make it ~flow~ :D

BodyShopped /// ShoofleedSims
♦ // Jack.exe // ♦
Mad Poster
#6 Old 7th Jan 2009 at 12:05 AM
For Round 1 I just got my dad's photo album and surfed through it to get an idea of what I wanted for my pictures. That's where I found the swimming idea.

"Going to the chapel of Love"

the girls club . statistics . yearbook .
Top Secret Researcher
#7 Old 7th Jan 2009 at 4:39 PM
For one of my photos it's a prom picture - of Gabby. :]
I'm probably not going to link my photos - as most jugdes dislike it and get muddled up :/
haha - i'm going to go in-game now and i'll probably get one/two pictures done then i'll have to come off the pc - so much to do :[

Previously known as 'simcharley1990'
Mad Poster
#8 Old 8th Jan 2009 at 12:22 AM
Charley, based off of my judging experience I didn't really have a problem with linked photos. Except when I link to them and the photo is just terrible, that's when I get pissed, what's the point of clicking the photo when it sucks!

"Going to the chapel of Love"

the girls club . statistics . yearbook .
Top Secret Researcher
#9 Old 8th Jan 2009 at 3:53 AM
Opening lyrics:
*electro opening*
I walk along the avenue, Never thought I'd meet a girl like you (meet a girl like you)

"I Ran" (Flock of Seagulls cover) Hidden In Plain View

Useless chatter:
Dreamydre, You are a toadstool sandwitch on a snow day in the middle of summer!
Petchy, ...You sniff lettuce leaves on your birthday!

Round One Chatter:
School needs to go eat dog treats (they do taste gross, I would know).
I have a bagillion amount of homework and it's only our first week back.
So I had to spend like 15 minutes everyday (3 days) just to finish something that is so simple.
My idea of simple- CUTENESS! *press C button*...CUTENESS! *press C button* etc.

Closing Lyrics:
The time that you danced whith no music playin', Do you remember those simple things? ....
He said his biggest regret, the one thing he will not forget is saying, 'Goodbye'

"Goodbye" Miley Cyrus

...I use an abundance (I used big word :P) of smilies....

So long, my luckless romance
My back is turned on you
I should've known you'd bring me heartache
Almost lovers always do

#10 Old 8th Jan 2009 at 10:29 AM
I had some good ideas, maybe. I got one pic done, and then I got a migraine and just spent the last two days sleeping and heaving. Fun, fun, fun.
Then tonight when I woke up finally around midnight, do I work on this contest? Oh, hell, no. I play the orphanage challenge.

1st Place : Superb Sibling, Hearts Consume the Stars Contests
2nd place : Daddy N Me Cycle 2 Alien Edition, Sims Real Estate Contests
3rd Place : World Zombie Model Agency Contest
4th Placce : Aspiration N Me, Maxis Makeover Home Edition, My Girl, Stages of Life, SRE Cycle 2 Contests
#11 Old 8th Jan 2009 at 6:47 PM
I pretty much slaved away at the "sitting together, looking at the photo album" shots.

I hate how I always go crazy decorating for a picture, and then only a small fraction of the room ends up in the shot. :[

And then I had tons of quality problems, because the size limit for inline pictures is 175kb, and one went over - but then looked bad when I decreased the quality! [I don't like linking based on quality, because most of my pictures are rather small-sized]

*sigh* I think I got them all sorted out, but now I'm too lazy to do the memory ones. ;D
#12 Old 9th Jan 2009 at 9:17 PM
My sims are having more fun than me as I re-create their lives. Last night, I told them to go up on the main deck and fight the pirates, instead, they take their sweet-arse time getting up there and then instead of doing what I said, they all go drink beer and get drunk with said pirates. Then they all go out and play with swords. Smart Sims, smart Sims. Morons.
Why is it I rarely took pics of anything before I discovered this site? I think I have a total of six old pics that might work for this round.

1st Place : Superb Sibling, Hearts Consume the Stars Contests
2nd place : Daddy N Me Cycle 2 Alien Edition, Sims Real Estate Contests
3rd Place : World Zombie Model Agency Contest
4th Placce : Aspiration N Me, Maxis Makeover Home Edition, My Girl, Stages of Life, SRE Cycle 2 Contests
Lab Assistant
#13 Old 10th Jan 2009 at 11:38 PM
ugh...round 2, scholarship essays, calculus midterm, midterms in general...*explodes*
Original Poster
#14 Old 10th Jan 2009 at 11:51 PM
Moon; Check the new thread made for you


Gots all of my Round one Pictures Edited and almost Finalized!
I'm about 90% there, I just need to check stuff and pierce the three parts together *HELPP MEEE*

I hope I can get it in soon and also have Round 2 ideas formed tonight for a (hopefully) good session Tomorrow

BodyShopped /// ShoofleedSims
♦ // Jack.exe // ♦
Top Secret Researcher
#15 Old 11th Jan 2009 at 12:14 AM
my round 1 is done XD

Previously known as 'simcharley1990'
Original Poster
#16 Old 11th Jan 2009 at 12:29 AM
Stop bragging

BodyShopped /// ShoofleedSims
♦ // Jack.exe // ♦
Top Secret Researcher
#17 Old 11th Jan 2009 at 12:32 AM
i'm not! :]
Mine sucks anyway.

Previously known as 'simcharley1990'
Original Poster
#18 Old 11th Jan 2009 at 12:36 AM
I'm terrified about mine to be true, I've had the tenses chef twice by two different people; I NEVER write in present, it's too odd for me, kinda like we are trying to keep up with the action, not see it unfold.. mmmm *shrug*

Aah well, all in all right?

BodyShopped /// ShoofleedSims
♦ // Jack.exe // ♦
Original Poster
#19 Old 11th Jan 2009 at 1:45 PM
*Dances with a Lampshade over head*


BodyShopped /// ShoofleedSims
♦ // Jack.exe // ♦
Lab Assistant
#20 Old 12th Jan 2009 at 11:14 PM
haha, i know how u feel, lol, i just finished a scholarship essay i'd been putting off to the last minute! (seriously, had to be postmarked by tomorrow) plus, guess what! I TOOK THE CALC MIDTERM! and it wasn't too bad, actually! yay!

now brave comrades, onward towards physics and european history (on the same day! eick!) if a spitball is shot out of a straw at a thirty degree angle at a speed of 20 mph, will it hit Robespierre standing 100 feet away? now i'm just getting loopy...

(btw, thank u for round 2 thread! i'm rather OCD...and now it looks pretty :D)
omg, i'm losing it...back to studying...
Mad Poster
#21 Old 15th Jan 2009 at 3:35 AM
Well done on your Round 1 entries, folks! I thoroughly enjoyed reading (and judging) them all, and am looking forward to seeing your Round 2's and Round 3's! I hope that you are all still enjoying the contest as much as I am!
#22 Old 15th Jan 2009 at 8:32 AM
when you hit the classics (that's what they called ancient mythology at the univ I went to) I'll help you with your homework. I got an A+ on my term paper.

1st Place : Superb Sibling, Hearts Consume the Stars Contests
2nd place : Daddy N Me Cycle 2 Alien Edition, Sims Real Estate Contests
3rd Place : World Zombie Model Agency Contest
4th Placce : Aspiration N Me, Maxis Makeover Home Edition, My Girl, Stages of Life, SRE Cycle 2 Contests
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