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#1 Old 21st Jan 2009 at 10:30 PM
Default Introduction Thread
Good ol' fashion introduction thread.
So tell us:
When did you decide you wanted to become an actor/actress:
A bit about yourself:

Name: Adrienne
Location: Oregon
When did I decide I wanted to become an actress: I've pretty much always wanted to be a screen actress. My parents tell me when I was little (around 4) I was always trying to sing songs and the radio and act out things I saw on television.
About Me: Well I grew up mostly in NC, then moved here in Oregon with my dad. I recently found out my great-great-great grandfather was black which is pretty neat. I have two dogs (one is pregnant) and that's pretty much all I can think up right now :D

"Going to the chapel of Love"

the girls club . statistics . yearbook .
Top Secret Researcher
#2 Old 22nd Jan 2009 at 12:54 AM
I was contemplating starting a drama group, glad someone beat me to it!

My name is my own business, but I answer to Panda, Hey, Hey you, Hey you stupid, and Darby.

My location is also my own business, but its in the continental US and is far far away from Topeka.

I don't actually act very often, I'm a techie, but I wanted to be an actress when I was really little, then I was in a play, realized it was a wretched bore, then wanted to be a screen writer. At 8 I couldn't write a cohesive short story, let alone a play, so I started doing lights and sound at the community thearter, and then in high school I started acting again.

The humor of a story on the internet is in direct inverse proportion to how accurate the reporting is.
#3 Old 26th Jan 2009 at 12:34 AM
Name: Petchy, Petch, you know, the usuals :D

Location: Either inside my own mind, or in the GMT time-zone

Acting: well.. It's a strange one..
I always wanted to be in those rubbish village shows that are now legendary when I was a titchy 5-year-old, but you just forget stuff like that when your young (lol) and then I joined ""stage school"" .. zzzzzzzzzzz ... It was good fun, I was taught the basics of how to sing, and "act" ish, but really it was not amazing. I stopped that when I went to my new school, and got singing lessons too. I worked on that one for a hefty long time and around a year in last August, I decided one day that I wanted to join a amature theatrer company. W00t and all :D
Then at around febuary time I was just *loving* it, and joined annother one, called CrashBangWollop, which was producing "Mr Cinders". Oh yes. Thanks to my singing and failureness at "proper" acting, I got a good principar part which had a "stand-out-solo" piece and a phwadge of lines and work (most of the second act, including three speaches X| )
After mr Cinders, the other group was producing "A Tribute to Andrew Lloyd Webber" and also, same group of people and same two week spread, "Pendragon". In tribute me and one of my best freinds were given solo and duet parts (Me as Joseph and her as Narrator) which gave us a total of Four epic songs + chorus and finale etc. We.were.extatic. Considering we were given principal parts and that we had only bren here for a year was AMAZING!
Pendragon on the other hand was less than so... LOL
About the same time as the real work for Tribdragon (see what I did there?!) I was "guarenteed" a part in the school's performance of.. Wait for it.. LES MISERABLES!!!!111 I was down for an audition faster than you could say "time management" and I was in! At the audition, I was aiming for the part of "Thenardier" because I thought that I could only to comedy and I wasn't that good at stage spotlightnessness...ness.

What did they do? Put me in for the draw of the three main male parts (ZOMGWRAI) and all-in-all I got MARIOUS! :D:D:D
It's killing me though! The full throttle of rehersals is about to start (4-6, unless on thursday when it's 3-6. [PM] I also live Half an hour away from school, so I won't be back till someimes 7, brilliant

I'm working on my Grade 6 singing If you were wondering

Yea, I have no life, I'm a full-time-techhie and simmer. Honest!

BodyShopped /// ShoofleedSims
♦ // Jack.exe // ♦
#4 Old 11th Jan 2010 at 11:37 AM
When did you decide you wanted to become an actor/actress: i have been wanting to act sing and dance since the age of 4,i go to stage school i act and sing and dance there,i have been in lots of shows,i saw my first show when i was 4 and i fell in love with it.
A bit about yourself: i have been a dancer since the age of 4 been doing loads of dancing comp.i love musical thay are my life,i go to stage school i love it i do acting singing and dancing it alot of fun and i get into loads of shows
I aim to misbehave
retired moderator
#5 Old 11th Jan 2010 at 1:01 PM
Name: Nina

Location: Madrid, Spain

When did you decide you wanted to become an actor/actress: I don't know if I'll be an actress, I just love acting. I'm in a thespian troupe in my college and I've always acted in the school plays.
I also do something that looks really weird to people that is around me, that is talking dramatically in random moments, like: "What will be of the world as we know it?" xDD *is weird*

A bit about yourself: I'm 18, turning 19 in February. I live in Madrid with my parents and my 20 years old brother. We don't have dogs, but we have a fish! xD I'm goth and pretty much an outcast in college, with only two friends that I love =DD I'm studying Architecture, and I plan to go to live in Manhattan when I finish college =)

Check out my tutorials: For TS4: Eyelashes and for TS2: Eyes and Eyes 2
-My Insta-

Please, call me Nina (:
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