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#601 Old 9th Apr 2012 at 1:52 AM
My goodness, there is this guy, and I like him like, A LOT, and I've talked to him a lot, or I guess I should say I've listened to him before, because any time I try to say something, I make this croaky frog noise, and it's very unattractive if I do say so myself. I have no idea how to approach him, and I don't want to do the typical Have-My-Friends-Tell-Him, because that just... No. I don't like it. I really want to tell him myself, but I can't talk around him.
Mad Poster
#602 Old 15th Apr 2012 at 4:25 AM
All attractive males either live in Sydney or Melbourne and I'm stuck in between. Meep.
#603 Old 15th Apr 2012 at 4:29 AM
As far as boys go, I'm not interested in guys yet (even though I am old enough to be, and have been in the past). However, being forced to socialize with the *ahem* 'young men' that I know has showed me that they're not very... er, bright, or dependable. So for now, I am quite content on being the single chick who spends most of her free time being a nerd.

Top Secret Researcher
#604 Old 22nd Apr 2012 at 10:24 PM
So all the guys I've met since I made that post a month or so ago turned out to be either to weird for my taste (that's what you get if you spend all your time around philosophy students) or downright assholes. There's this one guy, though, who I only recently started to talk to, and I've already got a bit of a crush on him. I hope it will work out nicely, I don't want to lose my faith in men at nineteen.

Don't you wanna fly so high above the clouds and trees,
Learn a thing from birds and bees ,
See the morning rise over the ocean up ahead?

Field Researcher
#605 Old 22nd Apr 2012 at 11:39 PM
It's hard for me to find any boys who become interested in me, since I am overweight and I am very weird. (I live in California, and pretty much look standards are much higher). I spent the first 17 year of my life with no boys taking any interest in me.

Out of fucking nowhere I have three equally-amazing, sweet and cute guys doing stupid shit to outdo each other in an attempt to figure out who gets the honor of dating me.

Jesus Christ, not to sound ungrateful, but I only wanted one guy to like me romantically. Where the fuck did three come from!?

Life Stage: Teen Traits: Hopeless Romantic, Computer Whiz, Couch Potato, Shy Partner: Ted
School: High School Career: Writing; Fan Fiction Drafter Miscellaneous: Rich; Scorpio
Field Researcher
#606 Old 24th Apr 2012 at 3:02 PM
Quote: Originally posted by SpookyOkyBatGirl
It's hard for me to find any boys who become interested in me, since I am overweight and I am very weird. (I live in California, and pretty much look standards are much higher). I spent the first 17 year of my life with no boys taking any interest in me.

Out of fucking nowhere I have three equally-amazing, sweet and cute guys doing stupid shit to outdo each other in an attempt to figure out who gets the honor of dating me.

Jesus Christ, not to sound ungrateful, but I only wanted one guy to like me romantically. Where the fuck did three come from!?

hahah it is so true that boys are like buses you wait for ages for 1 and 3 come at once! (well at least like buses in London).

Im in a similar situation ive been single for 6 months waiting for someone to come along and sweep me of my feet, this weekend i literelly had 3 boys all vyeing for my attention on a night out- so confusing as i have no idea who i like/what i want and it doesnt help there is history with one!
Field Researcher
#607 Old 25th Apr 2012 at 2:13 AM
Quote: Originally posted by shoo_flee
hahah it is so true that boys are like buses you wait for ages for 1 and 3 come at once! (well at least like buses in London).

Im in a similar situation ive been single for 6 months waiting for someone to come along and sweep me of my feet, this weekend i literelly had 3 boys all vyeing for my attention on a night out- so confusing as i have no idea who i like/what i want and it doesnt help there is history with one!

What's worse is that all of them are super amazing. I like them all, I'd date any of them.

Know what would have made the decision easier.

If only ONE OF THEM came for me. Then I would have to pick between three of the sweetest, most respectful guys I've ever known.

Life Stage: Teen Traits: Hopeless Romantic, Computer Whiz, Couch Potato, Shy Partner: Ted
School: High School Career: Writing; Fan Fiction Drafter Miscellaneous: Rich; Scorpio
#608 Old 10th Jun 2012 at 4:10 PM
That guy from the party on Friday asked me on a date next week. I'm sort of 50/50 on whether to accept. On the one hand I don't see why I shouldn't. He's nice enough and I know it's just one date, but the problem is that if it goes well then you end up going on a second date and then a third and then before you realize it people assume you're together and you basically are and you're left wondering how it even happened. Boys tend to fall into three categories for me, boys I feel repulsed at the idea of dating (nothing personal against them, this includes boyfriends of friends who I view more as brothers), boys I am indifferent to and boys I actually really, really like. A majority tend to fall into the first two. I hardly ever actually really like somebody and when I do I just know. And seeing as I know this one is not in the last category part of me thinks what is the point in bothering?

Ironically on Thursday evening I said that I was done with boys and dating for the foreseeable future after the past few months. The other half of me is still completely caught up with this other boy and that probably is what's really stopping me, because that one falls into the elusive third category. The problem there is that he has no idea what he wants or what he is doing with his life and I understand that he wants to figure all that out, but still... I told him that he couldn't expect me to put my life on hold and he agreed and told me he didn't expect me to, but the thing is I think he thought that I would wait. I'm not in love with him or anything crazy like that, I think he's making that pretty impossible, but I think I probably do love him a little in the same way I love my best friend. I know I told him I didn't want him to move away, but now I'm starting to think that might be for the best, only now he's talking about not moving away anymore. It would just be so great if he would get out of my head. I'm already comparing everything this other guy is doing with him, which is never a good idea, but I can't help it. If I did go on a date with the boy from Friday I suspect I would be using him a bit in an attempt to a) forget about the first boy, and b) to prove to the first boy that I meant it when I said I wasn't waiting for him, and I would feel terrible about using somebody who's so nice But I cannot get away from the fact that a part of me wishes it was the first boy.

That's all kind of vague, but I don't feel like going into masses of detail even if this doesn't all make sense. I don't know...just go on the date and stop overthinking things, right? Why does everything have to be so complicated?

"Your life was a liner I voyaged in."
#609 Old 20th Jun 2012 at 11:16 PM
I agreed to go on a second date with this guy this Saturday and he text me to suggest a place to go. I replied saying it looked good and he text back saying that the area's good and added "...and should you want to come back to mine it's not too far". Excuse me, but this is a second date with somebody I've only known for a few weeks! How presumptuous can you get?! As if!

"Your life was a liner I voyaged in."
Mad Poster
#610 Old 1st Jul 2012 at 5:44 AM
I really hate how I always get so quickly bored with guys. I think they're wonderful before we get together, then I think they're wonderful for a few months of dating, and then when the newness wears off, I get bored. When I get bored with them, I make excuses to skip out on dates and be distant until I finally break it off. Why do I always do this? It's not that I'm phobic about commitment; I'm open to a serious relationship with the right person. It's not that they're bad guys, either; they're totally my type. Am I just not dating the right people?

Do I dare disturb the universe?
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Test Subject
#611 Old 1st Jul 2012 at 6:14 AM

Oh, you know the same thing happened to me this past week. A boy who is really nice to me talks to me more than this girl he "likes". I don't have a crush on him, but I do acknowledge that he is cute. I think he just talks to me more because he thinks of me as a friend and he's comfortable around me more than the other girl he likes. Romantic tension can make relationships akward, even simple conversations. Although on the other hand, if this boy you're talking about is really social and comfortable with himself he may be brave enough to talk to because he likes you. I think it kind of depends on the guy. I hope that gives you something to try to observe about him haha!
Test Subject
#612 Old 1st Jul 2012 at 6:15 AM
Quote: Originally posted by Phoeberg
I agreed to go on a second date with this guy this Saturday and he text me to suggest a place to go. I replied saying it looked good and he text back saying that the area's good and added "...and should you want to come back to mine it's not too far". Excuse me, but this is a second date with somebody I've only known for a few weeks! How presumptuous can you get?! As if!

That definetly sounds like a move...That's so rude of him if that's what he meant! Oh goodness!
Lab Assistant
#613 Old 8th Jul 2012 at 4:35 PM
I've been on a bit of a downer the last two days.

My boyfriend and I are living together, and living in very close quarters so sometimes tension builds with him and he gets easily annoyed at small things I do (this happens both ways, but I don't get moody with him about it) two days ago he mentioned he was thinking about us, and then he said "breaking up" I was devastated he said those two words, I still am, I can't believe he said them, I felt like nothing was wrong at all. He instantly said he regretted saying that, and said he's not kicking me out (it's his house), he still loves me very much, wants our futures to be together and we're not breaking up at all.

But it still hurts, I feel very insecure now with everything he says/does, I find myself analyzing it which I know isn't fair if he genuinely didn't mean it. Yesterday I woke up before him and just sat in my chair and burst into tears, he heard me and comforted me, he felt really guilty. He said he said it just because he was angry/annoyed. He kept reminiscing over how we were together in the beginning and what we used to do, some of those things we're doing again. He even said that we need to go away together, he's even suggested taking me to Paris. But I hope this isn't some kind of "make or break" deal.

I'm just scared of losing the love of my life.
Field Researcher
#614 Old 8th Jul 2012 at 5:10 PM
Im sorry your going through a rough patch at the moment, things will get better i promise.

Maybe you should both sit down and just have a very honest convo about how your both feeling and any issues you are having, just be honest with each other and then you can begin to work things out. Thats just what i would do though or maybe stay at a friends for a night or two, to both give yourselfs space, and you will both relise how much you miss eachother ;p time apart does the world of good for relasionships.

I hope your okay, stay strong

-and in that moment, i was infinate.
Mad Poster
#615 Old 14th Sep 2012 at 11:49 AM
I'm going on a camp for young writers as a mentor (though a fair few of the students will actually be older than me) and there are a few very attractive twenty year old male writers also attending as mentors. I was talking to my old teacher who is the primary organiser behind it and apparently the guys told him they thought I was cute and were going to be battling it out for my attentions. Cute, well-dressed twenty year old writers after me? I suppose I can deal!
Top Secret Researcher
#616 Old 12th Oct 2012 at 10:50 PM
Having feelings for that one person you're not supposed to be having feelings for...

Don't you wanna fly so high above the clouds and trees,
Learn a thing from birds and bees ,
See the morning rise over the ocean up ahead?

Top Secret Researcher
#617 Old 13th Nov 2012 at 5:39 PM
Sharing a flat with a boy feels like practice marriage, it's so much fun.

Don't you wanna fly so high above the clouds and trees,
Learn a thing from birds and bees ,
See the morning rise over the ocean up ahead?

#618 Old 6th Dec 2012 at 12:06 AM
I had a text this evening from someone I went on a few dates with back in June, totally out of the blue. I really wish he hadn't. We haven't spoken since the end of June when we agreed we would be friends but there was an unspoken agreement that we never need contact each other again. He wasn't horrible or anything, we just aren't well suited in any way.

"Your life was a liner I voyaged in."
Field Researcher
#619 Old 7th Dec 2012 at 7:52 AM
My ex-boyfriend keeps proclaiming that he deeply loves me, that he wants to be with me and that he wants to marry and have a family with me. I'm only 18 and he turns 20 soon. I broke up with him because we were moving insanely fast and he was beginning to get on my nerves because of his clingness. I feel too young to talk about something as serious as getting married. I want to go to college, have that experience and get my degree without having the guy drama to deal with. I really just like the idea of being single for a while. I'm in no rush to be in a relationship. Like I told my mom. I'll start panicking about not being married and childless if it's the case when I'm 40.

Life Stage: Teen Traits: Hopeless Romantic, Computer Whiz, Couch Potato, Shy Partner: Ted
School: High School Career: Writing; Fan Fiction Drafter Miscellaneous: Rich; Scorpio
Forum Resident
#620 Old 8th Dec 2012 at 7:15 PM
There is not a single good looking guy in my school who isn't on drugs. And then the cute ones are just boyish cute, not "let-me-love-you" cute.


"I left in love, in laughter, and in truth, and wherever truth, love and laughter abide, I am there in spirit." -- Bill Hicks
Top Secret Researcher
#621 Old 12th Dec 2012 at 8:42 PM Last edited by minus. : 12th Dec 2012 at 9:04 PM.
So we spend the whole morning lying in bed and discussing everything from mathematics and philosophy to Grumpy Cat, and then he goes and acts like an ass for the rest of the day. Boys can be horrible, but at least I've got someone to fuel my miserable poetry.

Don't you wanna fly so high above the clouds and trees,
Learn a thing from birds and bees ,
See the morning rise over the ocean up ahead?

Test Subject
#622 Old 31st Dec 2012 at 2:36 PM
Eh.. I don't have boyfriend and I don't believe I search him
Lab Assistant
#623 Old 2nd Aug 2014 at 9:38 PM
My mum was teasing for me for not having a boyfriend and said that Neal (you know that sloth from the Sofaworks advert? No?) was my boyfriend.
I had to correct her. We're married now.
Field Researcher
#624 Old 2nd Aug 2014 at 10:43 PM
I've decided to wait boys out a bit. I have a very bad habit concerning falling for boys young men quite outside of my age range & that's all that seems to be attracted to me. I'm normally content playing ambiguous concerning my age but... I don't know. You can't build a relationship off of that. It's not that what I'm doing is illegal (I'm at the age of consent & definitely not sleeping with anyone), but still. I want to be this mature young lady that does mature young lady things & sees mature young men & I know my actions aren't helping breed relationship grounds for anything remotely mature.
So, I've given myself one more year. Until my next birthday I want to stay clear of guys & really examine myself. Sometimes we think we're ready for things we're actually not & unless something major happens between this time & next year, I'm hoping I'll figure out if I'm at that point.

Queen of the Land of Typos.

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