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Lab Assistant
#76 Old 6th Sep 2023 at 4:48 AM
Quote: Originally posted by sweetim
Could anyone help me? I've been trying to make some new video game channels. After a few trials I decided to stick to just editing Arsil's All News package file, because if I follow the steps in the tutorial (which I know is outdated) nothing seems to work. So, the thing is, when I add this part:


to the XML in Arsil_ToDoAbout_AllNewsTVChannel file, everything works just fine and the channel shows up on the TV (under the "Watch TV" interaction). But right after I add this line in the end (which I guess is needed for the video to be identified as a video game):


nothing works and the channel doesn't show up neither on the TV nor on the computer. There's obviously some step missing but because of my lack of programming/coding skills I can't figure out what this step is! I don't think I need to add a custom interaction because I guess it's just purely XML scripting, isn't it? So what else could it be?

Did you ever figure this out? I would love to try some new video game channels in the game, maybe even apply a custom moodlet after playing the game,
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