Build a City (My, completely different version)
***Okay, first of all, these are basicly steps to making your own city, not the Build a city challenge. I made it to help users to make their very own town and to challenge themselves. I am just clarifying myself here, so read on.***
Welcome all, and this is My variation of the Build a City challenge.
Here's what we start with:
Clean templates
Anything Pescado recomends for using clean templates (below)
+Any CC you choose. (I would use defaults if you want something unique.)
Let's get started:
So I was interested in the build a city challenge, but all of the writing was giving me a headache (no fun). Granted, this has a lot of writing to it, But my hope is to bring the level down + make it easier and more fun, catering to the four major types a players (Builders,Game-players,Story-tellers and Sim-makers).
Okay to start with, make sure your clean templates are installed correctly. Now, I don't know too much about clean templates and cleaning out your neiborhood, so use pescado's tutorial Here:,5861.0.html
Get Clean templates here:,4306.0.html
In pescado's tutorial, follow step 1 and 2.
Now here comes the fun part:
Make your own townies!
This part of the challenge caters to the Sim-makers.
If you have no desire to make a large amount of sims, follow step 4a in pescado's tutorial
Make 1 lot called whatever you please. Make it small and afordable.
Make a set of eight female adult sims in CAS. Don't slop through it. Give them different personalities and looks. Move them onto the lot, and make them all townies using the simblender or whatever other methods you have. Repeat 2 more times. Make sure not to repeat personalities. Do the same with males.
At this point, you should have 24 male and 24 female adult townies in your Neiborhood. You can create more if you please, but this is the minimal number.
Now, make 1 adult and 7 female teens. Make sure they're all females. Move them into the lot and make them townies. Repeat,
and again, give them varying looks and personalities. Do the same with males. And repeat for children, males and females.
At this point you should have 26 female adult towinies, 14 teen female townies, 14 kid female townies, and the same numbers for males. Now we make the elders.
Make at least 12 elders, but the amount is truly up to you. Make sure the genders have even numbers. Make them townies, and your done making townies.
Phew, that's a lot of typing.
maybe this will be as big as the
Build a city challenge. I don't know though. Okey dokey then.
Now, onto a part that will Cater to the: Builders!
This is the part where you actually *build a city*.
Now, your job is to make public places.
Heres what I recomend you make:
Coffee Shop (depending on what you want, may require AL)
Movie Theatre
Art Gallery
OFB users:
Floral Shop
BV users:
If you don't want to build a buttload of buildings, download some premade ones and stick them into your 'hoods so they look nice. Same goes for housing
There is alot of public places to build so you may want to combine them into one building.
Make sure there's room for some housing when your done, because that's what your working on next!
Now we're working on housing!!!
This is personally my favorite part, so I'm excited even writing about it.
Anyways...your job is to make a few housing districts. Don't move families into these districts yet.
The first on being the REALLY RICH people, or the mansions. Make these elaborate, with pools, home theatres, the works.
Next, we make the rich people who have nice houses, but they aren't REALLY RICH. These houses are nicely decorated, with hot tubs, big screen TV's, all the nice stuff that we wish we had.
Now, we make the middle class people, or the Nice Neighborhoods.
These houses range from medium to small, but nice enough to hold couples, expecting couples, and families. Make these decorated nicely but not too expensively and so on and so forth.
Then make the lower class district, which have houses ranging from small to cramped. Make these sparsely decorated, with only a few that can barely host families more than three.
Bonus Districts:
Trailer Parks
Cross between middle class and lower class
The building part is now...Done!
This part that we're starting on is catering to sim making/story telling. Make families, and distribute them throughout your neighborhood. Leave a few houses open for other sims born in game. The sims you put in your 'hood re your founders. Give them the desired amount of money using family funds, and create/ playout a story over a few generations. Make different situations, etc. etc., just make sure each bloodline keeps on going. If you want you can make a bloodline die out. Just make a plot for your 4th or 5th generation. Make sure the households are evenly played, if you have seasons, play each 1 season on a cycle, if you don't have seasons, play each household 4 days on a cycle. Once you reach the 4th or 5th generation, bring things to a halt. If you are playing the challenge, you should have a fully functional neighborhood. With a plot and everything. Now, make a few new families to move into town. See how it plays out.
Thank you for reading my challenge, I hope you have fun playing it out/ trying it.