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#1 Old 11th Dec 2010 at 3:04 AM
Because Of Kristen....
Here you make talk about Kristen Stewart

And Her Style!

Nothing's permanent, not even death... ♥
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#2 Old 12th Dec 2010 at 8:18 PM
To start off, I loved her in the movie the messengers. I watched by myself, and in the middle of the night, which if you knew me you would know that I get freaked out by everything, especially ghosts and stuff but I couldn't stop watching it. I also remember her in the panic room, I think she played a young girl with diabetes and she was even funny in that one, I think she told her mom to say the f word to the guys robbing there house or something.

For the people who HATE/LOVE twilight
My problem with twilight is she plays such a mary-sue it's unbelievable. I just don't get why suddenly this girl travels back to her little town after years of being away is treated like a goddess. She's pale, klutzy, awkward, and unsociable, how she get the "Hot, Sexy, Brooding Vampire" to fall in love with her after smelling her and wanting kill her I just do not get. And then to end the series with, "oh look, Bella gets everything she's ever wanted and only has to toss away real friends and her mortality but she feels no remorse" is quite honestly ridiculous. And her best friend falls in love with her newborn daughter (also a mary-sue)! Completely Wack Steph!

So anyway, Kristen is a great actress and I love her movies, but she should've skipped on twilight. I know she's making a lot of money, but seriously. Where's your pride K?
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