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#1 Old 20th Dec 2010 at 4:00 PM
The Big Freeze UK
Come show us some magical photos of snowbound britain!

Merry christmas!

Sims 3 rules!
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#2 Old 22nd Dec 2010 at 11:01 AM
hi dont have any fotos but yesterday went sledging head first, i hit some frozen mud & went flying in to a sheep narrowly mised the sheep and skidded acroos the frozen stream at the bottom of the hill. last year some one did that and the ice broke and got a dunking. he had to walk home freezing cold ... nasty!

anyone else got any sledging stories?!?!?
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Original Poster
#3 Old 23rd Dec 2010 at 4:01 PM
I went sledeging too and i crashed into a lampost!

Sims 3 rules!
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