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#26 Old 11th Aug 2011 at 7:44 PM
PS:Draco/Harry,Draco/Hermione & Sirius/Remus SUCKS!
#27 Old 11th Aug 2011 at 10:42 PM
I can stand Ginny with Blaise if written well.

I won't post who I like Hermione with as it's probably squicky to most.

Ron/Pansy or Ron/Daphne
Cho/Giant Squid <3

Favourite canon pairing is Lupin/Tonks but Gellert/Albus is in the running.
Field Researcher
#28 Old 12th Aug 2011 at 10:39 AM
Quote: Originally posted by Elyasis
I can stand Ginny with Blaise if written well.

I won't post who I like Hermione with as it's probably squicky to most.

Ron/Pansy or Ron/Daphne
Cho/Giant Squid <3

Favourite canon pairing is Lupin/Tonks but Gellert/Albus is in the running.

Gellert/Albus is stupid!There is no official proof of it!First they were friends,but soon became enemies!
Field Researcher
#29 Old 12th Aug 2011 at 2:47 PM
Quote: Originally posted by KindGenius
Gellert/Albus is stupid!There is no official proof of it!First they were friends,but soon became enemies!

There's Word of God proof that Albus was in love with Gellert, but also Word of God confirmation that Gellert didn't reciprocate.


As for being on-topic and answering the question, my favorite canon pairing is Tonks/Lupin - when I read book 5, I thought, "They should totally get together, even though there's no evidence for it," and when I got to the end of book six I was all "Yay!" And then I got to book 7 and the interviews afterwards and was all, "I would've traded Arthur Weasley for them in a second."

Non-canon pairing: Rose and Scorpius.
#30 Old 2nd Sep 2011 at 5:26 PM
By 'Hogwarts couple', do you mean pairings between the students and/or teachers in Hogwarts, or just anyone who appears in the series?
#31 Old 8th Sep 2011 at 4:44 AM
I have to go with whatever Jo already came up with. But I really would have liked to see Neville/Luna. And definately Scorpio/Rose. Who was Luna's husband? I didn't notice that...or am I misunderstanding things?

Field Researcher
#32 Old 8th Sep 2011 at 8:21 PM
Quote: Originally posted by minimogut
I have to go with whatever Jo already came up with. But I really would have liked to see Neville/Luna. And definately Scorpio/Rose. Who was Luna's husband? I didn't notice that...or am I misunderstanding things?

I also didn't notice Luna had a husband.In the ending she hadn't been shown.Or I have so horrible translation?
Test Subject
#33 Old 10th Oct 2011 at 4:08 PM
Neville & Luna, for sure... they may not have been shown in the end of the last movie, but i prefer to assume that they ended up together. Glad Neville found the courage to express his feelings for her during the battle of Hogwarts, but by then he'd found a lot of courage he may have never known he had... even made his Gran proud of him!
Field Researcher
#34 Old 10th Oct 2011 at 4:23 PM
Quote: Originally posted by KindGenius
I also didn't notice Luna had a husband.In the ending she hadn't been shown.Or I have so horrible translation?

Luna wasn't in the Epilogue, but JKR showed a piece of paper with the names of a bunch of people's spouses and children.

Luna married Rolf Scamander, nephew to Newt (the guy who wrote Fantastic Beasts and How To Find Them) and had twin sons, Lorcan and Lysander.

(Neville married Hannah Abbott, who became landlady of The Leaky Cauldron.)
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#35 Old 22nd Feb 2012 at 6:10 PM
I always fought ginny/nevil would have been a cute couple. Also after lavander/ron breakup i'd have loved it if thier was a draco/lavander thing to realy get at ron.
#36 Old 12th Oct 2012 at 7:02 AM
I cannot say what my OTP is because its very radical so I'll go with alternative easy to swallow pairings. *clears throat*

Het - Harry/Luna and Harry/Fleur

Slash: Almost Everyone with Harry as the main character.
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#37 Old 14th Mar 2014 at 7:53 PM
Luna and Neville for sure! I really wish that would have happened. However- Lily and Snape :3
Lab Assistant
#38 Old 16th Apr 2014 at 2:30 PM
I will forever and always ship Harmony <3 Although, my first ever ship - ever, not just HP - was Drarry :3
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#39 Old 4th Aug 2014 at 1:18 AM
I think Severus Snape and Lily Evans would've made a cute couple if Snape didn't fancy the dark arts or insulted her because she was a muggleborn
Test Subject
#40 Old 6th Oct 2014 at 7:35 AM
Luna - Neville, Fred - George..
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