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#451 Old 11th Jul 2022 at 10:53 AM
Quote: Originally posted by pova
Or when you get excited over some cute CC thinking it IS for the sims 3, only to read the tags and discover it's for TS4

Can relate, plus typing TS3 in the search engine, but the results are for TS4, meh.

Quote: Originally posted by Simsdestroyer
That's the main thing I hate about TS3, when toddlers go and sit right in front of the stairs, and the parent can't pick them up.
They need 5 square metres for such simple interaction. EA logic lol

If I lived on Mars, I would be pleased because the Earth is not my cup of tea
Field Researcher
#452 Old 19th Jul 2022 at 10:40 AM
The stiff animations... When they just stand still and move weird their head around and smile creepy... Sims 2 had prettier Animations in my opinion...
Forum Resident
#453 Old 11th Aug 2022 at 12:04 AM
Quote: Originally posted by Simsdestroyer
The routing is terrible. That's the main thing I hate about TS3, when toddlers go and sit right in front of the stairs, and the parent can't pick them up. Or when someone takes a water taxi for no reason, and gets stuck, and the fact that horses can take them as well, that would be a nightmare without Overwatch and Traffic, other than that, it's my favorite iteration of the franchise. I never really got into Sims 2 on PC. I played that on console because we didn't have a home computer when I was growing up, but when I finally bought me a lap top I bought Sims 3 and fell in love with it. My favorite game hands down.

On the one hand, I cannot be disagree with you especially the routine issues, the sims are stucks everywhere's possible.One time, One of my male sims were stucks on the bushes and plants surrounding by the black metal fences in Mirabello's plazza in SV. (no entrance, no gates) it was a miracle he were there !
But on the other hands, these bugs give the sims 3 its charms, especially the parents can't pick up the toddlers or take the water taxi for no reasons (but they got their reasons ahaha ), the pet owners never cares of their pets, they are all dirty and full of fleas etc... Perhaps they let these bugs to make us laugh !
Other things that I really do not like in ts3 : - the stretching pets , the broken Ambitions broken carreers, the Jesus' walking on water power ; the fact we cannot read the sms the sims are sending, and the fact we cannot have earthquakes if we are not a level 10 as firefighters and the bad computer ressources optimization, the fact it isn't made for 64bits computer. You cannot play high level or graphism because you are already at the limit of 3.5 Gb of ram uses and boom it crashes even empty quick and the fact the dark colours looks disgusting in this game.
And for amd users as I am currently am, the blocky shadows.

I speak French only. If my statements are harsh, rude for you, that's not intentional. I just think Different due to my Language and my Culture.
But truly, I am open-minded than you think of.
Lab Assistant
#454 Old 29th Aug 2022 at 4:10 AM
Least Favorite Thing about Sims 3?

This song...


(Seriously, I heard this goddrumit everytime and everyday and it forces my Sims to have 8+ handiness skill while I don't want all Sims to be a perfect rapairman. Thanks Twallan for Debug Enabler.)

♒ Aquarius Sun, ♈ Aries Moon, ♈ Aries Rising

Sorry for my English :)
#455 Old 29th Aug 2022 at 5:37 AM Last edited by Elynda : 29th Aug 2022 at 10:52 PM.
@BlademasterX2 - Oh yeah, I feel your pain! Why do I always think that including plenty of toilets on my larger lots will be a good idea? Especially when I have more than the usual number of sims in the place. Why not spare them all that anguish and leg crossing whilst waiting for it to be free? No, NOT a good idea! Because it won't be long before they all start breaking at the same time. Sometimes they're going down go down like freakin' dominoes, each to the accompaniment of that annoying music!

Legend is history as we would like it to be. We pick through the dusts of time for what is worth keeping and, here and there, we occasionally find treasure.

tumblr: Elyndaworld *** tumblr: Queen Lucy (new)
Forum Resident
#456 Old 29th Aug 2022 at 8:51 PM
I also hate how quick a save turns corrupted, I don't know how many times I restarted fully my game this decade.

I speak French only. If my statements are harsh, rude for you, that's not intentional. I just think Different due to my Language and my Culture.
But truly, I am open-minded than you think of.
#458 Old 30th Aug 2022 at 9:56 AM
Quote: Originally posted by Wojtek
Can relate, plus typing TS3 in the search engine, but the results are for TS4, meh.

This is a problem with search engines nowadays. They try to think for you. Which is a pain when you are searching for something that is less popular. They then come up with more popular suggestions because you obviously mistyped your query :p

Quote: Originally posted by nitromon
What do you mean "corrupt?" Slow run load/save time? Or won't load at all? Unless there's some major mod or some unorthodoxed play, they shouldn't be corrupted that easily if you are using NRAAS errortrap and keeping the game clean.

Like you I am used to going through the routines to keep Sims 3 saves clean. But the fact that we need to do this maintenance to prevent save corruption, shows they have a point. It should not be happening to begin with, just like the routing failures on unedited official worlds should not be happening.
Lab Assistant
#459 Old 30th Aug 2022 at 11:40 AM
I know how many people feel about the search engine thing. Even typing "The Sims 3" with quotation marks can't help you, blah!

♒ Aquarius Sun, ♈ Aries Moon, ♈ Aries Rising

Sorry for my English :)
Forum Resident
#460 Old 31st Aug 2022 at 3:04 AM
Save corruption could have different meanings and vary from person to person, so it is difficult for me to narrow down whether there even is an agreed general definition of what exactly is save corruption.

Here are some of the explanations I've come across as to what save corruption is to them:
"I have a very nasty problem with my Sims 3 game. When I tried to save my game I got error 12, which means the file i'm trying to save on is corrupted."

"A serious Error has occurred while trying to load Appoloossa.sims3. It is strongly recommended that you restart the application."

"I know a lot of people are having crashing problems, but a lot of people are happily playing their games."

"If your saved game is not showing in the main menu of the Sims 3, your save file may have been corrupted or lost."

There has only been one time I can recall around the time when Showtime came out that something weird happened with my save and I couldn't access it anymore and didn't know what to do, so I deleted it. Though because that was so long ago, I don't know if I was messing with the game files or something and didn't know what I was really doing. Then there were many times I would have to change neighborhoods and move all my Sims because eventually the save always got so sluggish and I would experience poor performance. But eventually that got very frustrating and time consuming and I stopped and instead researched how to maintain my saves. So I haven't changed neighborhoods or moved my Sims for years now unless for population control. Ever since using mods/cc my game crashes and freezes a lot alongside overall poor performance. 9 times out of 10 it's always custom content and/or mods and it's taken me trial and error to figure out what works and what doesn't. I know how TS3 should run without mods and with mods if I'm not careful it can run like molasses. I've also been using Save As instead of Save and backing up all those on an external hard drive in case I ever want to revisit. Now I have gigabytes of saves and from a lot of different neighborhoods, lol.

While routing failures can be minimized, with a game as complex as TS3 I doubt it could ever be completely eliminated. I doubt even if TS3 was built anew from the ground up using all the new technology available today, would warrant even more complexity and while it would be a lot better with routing, again I doubt that routing failures would be non-existent. The way I see it, it's just the nature of the game and all video games have glitches but most of the good ones have minimal glitches that don't interfere with gameplay progression and/or at least have a workaround when an inevitable glitch does come along. Such as resetSim or finding and fixing the problem yourself.

Previous Game: Batman: Arkham Knight (Hard Mode/Unfinished-Another Time)

Current Game(s): ObsCure and Cyberpunk 2077
Forum Resident
#461 Old 7th Sep 2022 at 10:10 PM
Quote: Originally posted by nitromon
What do you mean "corrupt?" Slow run load/save time? Or won't load at all? Unless there's some major mod or some unorthodoxed play, they shouldn't be corrupted that easily if you are using NRAAS errortrap and keeping the game clean.

Windows + ts3 = bad romance.
Why? Just because the sims 3 is a castastrophy, (not a matter of gameplay because you all know how much I praise it , I simply LOVE IT !! ) but a matter of computer ressources, you cannot play it for hours , except if you build/decorate , but in live part of the game, you cannot play it without seeing it crash to desktop with no warnings, even if you got absolutely everything to "fix" it, The sims 3 easily reach the 3.8 Gb or ram used and or the 100% of processor . I got a gaming computer though...
The only unorthodox way I play ? I have a lot of sims in town but much spaces for allowing them to move on with Nrass SP. Yes I got many spaces.
Icing on the cake, now my graphic card is no more supported by AMD . So I cannot anymore have stability and I do not have any SSD. I can afford a new computer but I am wondering if one of them could handle the sims 3 with ccs (I drastically reduced the amount of them), fixes, and nrass mods? I just have troubles using Retuner I know it's a great help .Without absolutely nothing, the game works perfecty, quick but I can't play a vanilla game at all, and I enjoy nrass so much especially to set your game as you want.
Windows doesn't help at all. It uses a lot of computer performances for stuffs we don't need even if I got rid off/silence, a lot of useless programs from windows 10.

I speak French only. If my statements are harsh, rude for you, that's not intentional. I just think Different due to my Language and my Culture.
But truly, I am open-minded than you think of.
Mad Poster
#463 Old 10th Sep 2022 at 3:27 AM
My Sims 3 with all except K Perry I did not get play beautifully on an about 12 year old at least i7PC still on 7, and about now 3 year old laptop with 10. I do use overwatch and error trap and clean caches. I have no lag. No crashes. I have EA story progression, and someone back when said that helps with performance? I just know it plays well on both my rigs.
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